Chapter 1 (the get to know)

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The first day at a new high school never can end well.
But I guess that also depends on your social status...

Whether you are the cheerleader. Or the super hot one. (Probably both)

Or that one confident yet really smart girl that you know, who is also super pretty.

And let's not forget that one chick who is always causing trouble, whether she be a prissy pink princess, or the number one tomboy

Well. I am not anything like those girls. Which means that today, can either turn out really good, or extremely bad.

Hi, my name is Athena Jacks. Yes, my mom named me after the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy, probably hoping that I'd turn out a little like the actual Athena.

False hopes I guess, because like I said. I am nothing like that. I am that quiet girl you'll glance at who's reading a book in the back corner.

Or one of those people in the back of movies that no one really pays attention too.
It's not like I don't want friends, I guess it's just that I don't need them...

Okay fine! I haven't made them. At my last school I had only one friend, and she was the best, I've literally known her since birth. Our moms were best friends...

But lives change. People move and grow up. Families grow distant..... I guess we ended up to be one of those families...

But you know, about that whole friends thing...
not to toot my own horn but, I am super nice.
I hate being mean. It's awful. Why would I want to cause someone else pain, I can't even imagine it. So maybe I'm just too nice??...

Who knows anymore.
All I know is that I want this year to be the same as all of the other ones.
Me being entirely invisible to the high school world.
But something tells me that that's not what's gonna happen...

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