Chapter 39

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"How do you know my name?" This guy was really starting to get weird. He was sexy, No doubt about it. But man, this doesn't feel good.

"I've known your name for a while now my love..." he dragged on with his insanely deep wet somewhat soothing voice. He was now starting to slowly walk around me. My body followed his movements as the bottom of my dress twisted on the floor.
"It would be rude not to know the name of the beautiful woman keeping my younger brother under her spell."

What the hell was this man talking about?!
Wait?... brother?
His younger brother. He couldn't be talking about...

"I am going to assume you are aware that I am speaking of Parker. My my. What a woman, it's not easy to get my brother distracted. I'll tell you that much."

"What do you mean by distracted? What am I distracting him from?" I asked, making sure to never have my back turned to him.

"Well. Our brother business of course." He clapped his hands together.
I knew exactly what he meant by that business.
"You see. My brother and I run it. I am obviously the leader, but he is my second in command. He handles everything on the down low while I am not here. And lately, he has been slacking off quite a bit. So, I had to come down and see for myself." He walked closer to me so we were inches apart. I stood my ground and straightened my posture as his hand was brushing up against my arm.
"And so far I'm liking what I am seeing." He said in a low whisper.
My breath caught as I stood there shocked.
"But. No matter how much I love the view. I cannot have my business dying out."

"You mean your gang? Why do you even need one? What's the point?" There was a hint of power and annoyance in my voice. You could tell that I was starting to get rather anxious.

"Power, my love. Power." He replied

"Why do you need power, your parents are the richest people in this town!" I said. I could see him twitch slightly. A small nerve I must have tampered with.

"My parents are fools. They don't know what's truly best for their money. They don't know the power they can possess. There is so much more than just this "little town." And I shall prove it..."

"DAMON!" I heard another deep voice shout from across the field as I saw Parker standing their. He was pissed.
His feet stomped as he made his way to me. He was instantly scanning over my body. Turning my around and lifting my neck to make sure there weren't any scars.

"Don't worry brother. I didn't touch your beloved." Damon said, tucking his hands behind his back and standing rather proud of himself.

"Well I wouldn't put it passed you. You've never had a soft spot for anyone. Strictly business, right." It didn't come out as a question type of response.

"How do you expect so little of me? Have I not done you good?" Damon was Turing towards us, putting his hand over his chest as if to signal how incredible fake hurt he was.

"Athie. I need you to leave." Parker said. His voice was cold, and showed no emotion. I could see his back muscles through his tux as he stood tall and clenched his jaw tight.
I wasn't about to be stupid now, so I listened. I wasn't even sure if I knew the way back, but I think anyplace was better than being here right now.

"In time, Athena. You will learn in time." Was all Damon said as I walked away. The last thing I saw was Parker giving me daggers for eyes, if I didn't know who he was, I would believe that he was going to kill me. So I simply walked away. I could hear muttering but I didn't stay to listen. Not this time.

What was I supposed to do now? How was anything going to be normal? How the hell had Parker been helping with their stupid "business" while still doing school AND football. I can't imagine for that to be easy.

Walking back, I couldn't help but think about their parents. How could they have raised such a person? What had he gotten into? What had Parker gotten into? If my brothers gang was the "hell hounds" then was Parker's gang their rival?

So many questions flew threw my head. How was I supposed to keep up with it all? I was supposed to blend in this year. I wasn't supposed to be popular, or get tied in with gangs and shootings and kidnappings. Why would any of this happen?

"I could practically hear how hard you are thinking."
I jumped and turned around instantly to find a young boy. He looked younger than Parker and Damon. He looked younger than almost all of the boys I have met this year. Maybe he was in middle school? A freshmen?

He was small. Very small. And he was very nicely dressed, obviously for the occasion. His blonde hair was pulled back and he had very pretty brown eyes.
"My goodness. If I get scared anymore tonight I'll end up getting a heart attack." I said, putting my hand over my heart and sitting down at a nearby stone bench.

"My apologies ma'am. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just told to wait here for a beautiful girl wearing a dress that made her look like a goddess. I think I'm waiting here for you ma'am."
If he wasn't so young I'd swoon at his words.

"Well. Why exactly are you waiting for me?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips. This kid didn't look bad in any way. All I could see was joy radiating off of him. He had a good soul, you could just tell.
He reached in his back pocket and brought out a black velvet box. Clutching it in his hands.

"I was told to give you this ma'am. From Mr.Hayze." He said, bright and tall.

I might have been upset with Parker. But this is too sweet and adorable. How dare he make me weak.
The little boy opened the box to show a beautiful ruby necklace. It was a silver pendant that obviously was vintage, but looked good enough to cost a lot.

"This is for you ma'am

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"This is for you ma'am. It's a real mined ruby. Not man made. And it has been in the family for decades. Mr.Hayze told me that he wanted you to have it. As a gift." The young man smiled as I awed at the necklace. Ruby has always been my favorite stone.
So beautiful but mysterious.
"May I put it on you?" He asked me. I simply nodded and properly sat back down so that he would be tall enough to reach.

He pulled the chains to the back of my neck and clasped the hooks together. I felt his hands leave as I fixed it on my neck.
"Why, thank you so much. I don't know what to-..."
when I turned around, the boy was gone. Almost as if there was no trace of him. I quickly looked back at my neck to see if anything was actually real.
The necklace was still on my neck. Shining in its beautiful red glory.
"-.. say."


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