Chapter 16

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Since the moment I got home, all I've done is lay in bed. What's the point in getting up?

If I get up. All I will be doing, is hurting someone, or screwing something up. I just can't get anything right.

I don't know why, but I actually thought that maybe. Just maybe, I'd be climbing over that wall Parker has. But no, right when I think I'm about to reach the top, he cuts the rope. It's impossible.

I honestly can't even put my finger on why I'm so upset over him. All he told me was that he didn't really care. That's it right? No biggie.

But my brother. Since the moment we moved here all I've done was hurt him. I don't want to hurt him. He can be doing so much, and I'm just a burden on him. He could be attending literally any college he wants. Money isn't a problem at all, and even if it was, he would have a full scholarship anywhere he chose. That's how amazing and smart he is.
But no, he is stuck in this stupid empty house, babysitting the one person he probably wants to get rid of.

"No I don't athie."

Awww shit. Thinking out loud again.

Ryder opened the door all the way from the tiny little crack he must have been listening from. He walked straight into my room and sat on the edge of my bed where my feet stopped.
"Don't even say that. You are my sister, far more important than anything else in my life."

"That's just it Ryder. Your life? You are just beginning to start your life and you are wasting it on me. You can go anywhere you want. Any college and you'd be fantastic. You have know idea the kind of person you can become, the kind of life you can build. A family you can start..."
There it was. That hurt look on his face. How many times am I going to put him through this? Through the hurt?

"You, are the only family I need. As long as you are okay and happy, and safe. Nothing else matters. Nothing. Don't worry about me and my life. I can start doing anything at any point and I will still be successful, that's just how awesome I am."

I chucked at his arrogance

"But you have to stop worrying about everything and thinking that it's all your fault. Stop thinking that it was your fault. It happened because it did. You didn't cause that accident."

He was right. I always blamed myself for everything. No matter what it was. Ever since that night. That night... that stupid night where my life went to hell. He was wrong. No matter how many times people say it, that night was my fault..

"It's umm... about thirty passed 1. I haven't made lunch yet so let's go..."
Ryder stood up from my bed, making it rise a little bit, and walked out of the room. He knew how I felt talking about the accident, and I knew how he felt talking about it. No matter how many counselors and therapists we saw. Nothing would change how we are now, or the side effects of it.

Deciding that I wasn't going to be eating anything, I quickly pulled over a hoodie and some loose shorts as I made my way down the stairs.
I was surprised to notice that there was no restraint of me leaving the house. I don't think he really wanted another argument to happen, and he knew I needed space. And time, even though that's all I ever seemed to get, time. But I could never get enough of it.

I walked out and shut the door behind me, thumbing down the porch as I started to walk down the sidewalks

If I'm going to live here, might as well know the places near here right? Maybe there can be one of those really cool meet up places that every teen tv show has. Like a diner, or small coffee shop. It would be amazing if this place had one that was actually important, and not just a stupid little run down shop that they always turn out to be in reality.

Cars zoomed passed me as I walked near the street. It was almost relaxing. As much as I hated Sunday's, today was a beautiful day. Everything seemed so alive. Not a single cloud in the sky as it remained an eye catching bright blue. The trees were all tall and green as they let the suns berms shimmer it's way through the leaves. Creating possibly the most beautiful picture. The birds were literally singing as they flew along the skyline

I was starring at the nature around me for so long, I had Barely noticed that I had made it so a carnival... or fair? Never understood the difference between the two.
Looking down at my clock, I saw that it was already three on the dot. I wasn't really ready to go home just yet, so reliving my brother of anymore heart attacks. I sent him a quick text message, updating him, and went on towards the amusement.

It still was quite early as I noticed that people were still setting up. What use am I just standing here?

Walking my way over to a booth, I gently tapped her on the shoulder to gain her attention
"Hello. May I help with anything?" I asked the woman. She was more on the elderly side but was gorgeous. She had that perfect natural look that every girl wanted to perfect no matter the type.

"Oh my. How sweet you are! Yes dear of course. Please please, such a kind soul"
Uhhh.. old people make my life so much better. Especially when they are exactly like this golden woman right here.

Her hair was a pale white as her skin was fair, but her eyes stood out as she Pierced any soul with her sapphire blue eyes.

"My name is Grace, but you may call me honey." She smiled sweetly, holding her hand out for me to shake.

I gladly accepted her offer
"Hello. My name is Athena." I replied proudly for probably the first time ever

"Ohh. Athena, what a beautiful name. And fitting such a gorgeous young lady." My checks flushed warm as they perked a bright red

"Thank you, honey." I smiled


A few hours had passed, after Grace and I had finished setting up one booth, we gladly went around offering our help for others too.
I got to know some lovely people, but mainly got to talking with Grace, oh sorry... honey

I couldn't help but admire the name. It sounded to familiar.
We both sat down at a coffee shop and ended up having a small dinner. The Amusement was finally opened as people were rushing around and fleeing from one attraction to another. There were even roller coasters and the ever so classic, Ferris wheel. Even other classics like a kissing booth. How cliche.

Grace was quite a wonderful woman. She was so kind and wise... what a beautiful woman.

"Well, sadly I must get going. My brother will be expecting me soon." I stood up from the table and pushed in my chair as she did the same

"Oh I hate to see you go. I had such a lovely time!" She leaned in and wrapped me in the warm ness of her arms. Her hugs seemed magical. Like they could lift any dark day.
We both leaned away as I started walking backwards slightly

"Me too, we most definitely will have to meet up again some tim- ahhh!" Of course. I am the kind of person to trip while falling backwards. But what's even better was that this little dinner was on a platform, so the fall will be nice and hard.
I closed my eyes shut and waited for impact

But when I landed, it wasn't exactly the hardness I was expecting. It felt warm,
I fluttered my eyes open as I looked at my hands that were wrapped around a very nicely muscular arm. It was so firm and perfect
Stop checking out the random strangers arm!

"Oh my gawd." Without looking at who my rescuer was, I quickly jumped out of the mans arms and straightened myself up
"Thank you so much. I can't believe how much of a clumsy person I am." I smiled deeply as I looked up

My jaw immediately dropped from the sight that stood in front of me



Ahhhhh!!! So sorry that this chapter was slow!!!!

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