Chapter 23

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There are a lot of things you can expect out of your life. You can expect for many things to suck. Like high school. You can expect to fall in love, and end in heartbreak. You can expect people to come and go from your life.
I expected all of this. And most of it has happened. But the one thing I never expected. Was to see Parker Hayze standing right in front of me... in a tuxedo... with dozens of flowers... asking me to the homecoming ball... in front of literally the entire school.

I couldn't move after he asked me that. Why me? Out of all the girls in the school, he asked me. Was this some kind of joke? Was he planning some big reveal that would eventually kill me inside? I couldn't figure out his plan, because it can't just be the fact that he genuinely wants me to go with him. He's the high school football star/bad boy. I'm me.
And Like I said. Our parties don't mix.

And after everything? Being nice on the first day. Then totally and completely embarrassing me on the second day. Talking rudely and like he just doesn't care towards me. But then being protective, then a jackass, then sentimental.
This guys was literally the definition of bipolar.
He practically created the word.
I swear, boys are just as bad as girls.

No. I can't go to the dance with him. What would that mean for me? There has to be some sort of catch. And I don't want to risk it. So no. A million times, no.


Well shit...

Parker's smile grew wider than ever before. Once again seeming to make him the happiest man ever. But why? I should have stuck with no.
"She said yes!!" He shouted into the mic. Everyone in the crowd cheered and roared with everything they had. Flashlights were bouncing up and down fast enough to give someone a seizure, and I was practically going deaf by now.

Parker looked back at me and held his hand out for me to grab.
Should I take his hand?
No, I shouldn't. Just stay seated

Obviously that's not what I did.
I took his hand and stood right next to him. He raised my arms towards the crowd like we were both champions of the olympics or however the hell they work.

More music blasted through the loud speakers as all of the football players gathered in front of us. I was curious as to what was going to happen next. And maybe, just maybe, curiosity shouldn't get the best of me.

Parker threw me off the stage and all of the football players caught me. Tons of flowers flying all around me as they cheered and started to walk in a huddle while they lifted me up into the sky.
I felt so alive. I've never been like this, with anyone. And no one has ever done anything like that for me. They just haven't.

They had carried me all the way to the beginning on the bleachers. Gently putting me down, they all walked around me like some massive body guards

"Uh, what are you guys doing?" I asked, holding onto the flowers like they'd save me.
All of the men stood up straight with their arms straight down.

"And! Walk!" One of the men shouted. All at once, they started walking as I stayed in the middle. I couldn't even see people, but I could hear them. Popcorn and little candies were being thrown into the circle as some of it got caught in my hair. Thankfully it wasn't anything sticky, or that would have been majorly embarrassing. It was only the popcorn that got stuck, which was extremely easy to take out.

I could tell that the crowds in the bleachers were crazy, but they were all creating a path for the football players that were guarding me at the moment.
This is by far the strangest thing I've ever done.

They all stopped at once without any word. And that word would have been helpful, because it would have stopped me before running into the back of the football players in front of me. But they were obviously not phased by it. Just me I guess.

They all turned towards the field in sync, and then they separated. Forming a small little walking for me to go through. I was hesitant, but clearly walked through to see a special seating saved for me. It was like a miniature version of the thrown. Placed right in the bleachers front row. I couldn't help but let my heart melt. I'll give it to Parker, this is pretty damn good.

And everyone upped their game! They must have been practicing for this for a long ass time! But then again, maybe they are just that skilled.

They all left me as I got comfortable in my chair. No one bothered me or anything like that, except Angie. Who had apparently known about this entire plan. And I guess she told Ryder about it, which is the reason on why he hasn't sent the police out on me yet, and was happy today.
This was all just one big surprise for me. And I couldn't believe it.

Willow Crest obviously won. The entire game. Parker was starring at me and pointing, but payed attention just before any football player could tackle him. He was completely and utterly amazing at this sport. By far the best player out there. I don't know anything about this sport, and I could even tell.

When the game finished. I stayed seated, not really wanting to be crushed by the herds of people since I didn't have the entire football team protecting me from them this time. But just before I was about to leave. I looked down to see Ashley and her minions. They were all watching me with their arms crossed as they had the deadest expressions on their faces. Glaring at me like I had just killed their dogs.

And although this was definitely one of the best days I've had in a long time, I had a feeling things weren't going to get better from here.

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