Chapter 2

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"Athena!!! Get up honey! You're going to be late for school!"

The sounds of my mothers voice would have sounded amazing in the mornings... but we can't all get what we want, right.

Yeah, that never happened, because the only thing to ever wake me up in the mornings is probably the worlds most annoying alarm clock..


Yup, and there it is. Right on time.

Keeping my face hidden in the softness of my pillow, I lift up my arms and stretch it out as long as they can go. But because my past self hates me, my alarm clock is on the other side of the room. Just great.

I forcefully drag my body up and toss all of my blankets off of me. Unfolding my legs and bringing them off the side of my bed.
"God I hate mornings" I mumble to myself in probably the worst morning voice you have ever heard.

I walked over across my room, sluggishly walking like a zombie. I'm not kidding when I tell you that I am NOT a morning person. ESPECIALLY since it's Monday!!

I mean come on! Who likes Mondays!? Monday's should be optional.

Actually. It's always fun to think about. Because every morning when my alarm goes off. I can't help but think that my bed and I are in a committed relationship, and the alarm clock gets jealous, and tries to keep us apart. Hahaha.

Yeah I know. I'm dying alone.

I'm surprised I didn't break my clock from how hard I slammed my palm against it. I just hate mornings, I honestly cannot say it enough.

I walked over to my bathroom and splashed some water in my face, making myself fully awake and alert.

Turning on all of my lights, I opened up my laptop and pressed against my morning playlist. Everybody needs their own routine right? Well music is what makes mine. It's what has always gotten my through the hard times.

I just grabbed a pair of black leggings and grabbed my favorite blue hoodie. I don't know why but I actually liked this outfit, even though it's extremely casual and not fancy in any way possible. I mainly like how the leggings show off my legs and ass. I might be a nerd but doesn't mean I don't appreciate my body. And trust me, I have a pretty good one.

Curling my hair and putting on some simple mascara and a tiny bit of eyeshadow around the edges just to make my eyes pop.

Slipping myself into my flip flops. I walked out the door without any word.
Junior year, here I come...


"Oh God please send me back home!!!" I screamed from the inside of my car. Somewhat slamming my hands against my wheel.

I don't know why I was thinking that not very many kids would be here. But of course there seems to be about A MILLION!!

How the hell am I supposed to get through a crowd like this!

"Phewww... okay Athena. Just calm down. You got this. No one knows you, it's a new school. New people, new opportunities. You can do this" I cheered myself up, slightly pumping my fists in the air.

Oh gosh. I hope no one is watching me. That would be the worst...

I opened my car door and raced inside, bolting through the crowds of overly tall people.
I felt like everyone was over 6ft.

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