Chapter 3

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"Who the hell was that"

"That my friend, was Parker Hayze and his little troops."
I twisted my head back to see Angie standing right there behind me
"He is the schools pride and joy football star. And of course those two other guys were the football stars best friends."

All I can do is nod, I feel like my my brain had just been melted and poured out of my ears.

"Hey. Just some advice to the new girl. He's not worth it..."

I think I can hear my heart beating now from the dead silence in the halls.
Just no looking around, no ones in the halls right now.
"Oh my gosh! We are late aren't we!? I've never been late in my entire life!"

Her arms were waved out to me like I'm some kind of wild animal
"I totally get that, but you won't be marked late. I told the teacher that I will be giving you a tour during home period since we aren't doing much. You are perfectly fine."
Her chuckling was like music to my ears. I'm not kidding when I say that I've never been late. I mean ever! I would probably die.

"Pheww, thank god. Okay so, where are we going first?"
Shrugging her shoulders, she helped me up and grabbed my bag for me and started to walk down the hallway

Jogging over to her, I paced myself at her speed and stayed silent.
I didn't really know what to say or-
"Why did you freak out?"
Wow, she can be pretty blunt when she wants too...

"Umm... just some things that have happened. That's all. Do you have any siblings?"

"Hmm. Nope. I'm an only child. Sometimes sucks but it's okay I guess"

Walking down the hallway with Angie is nice. She's  super open and that makes me feel like I can trust her.
"So umm.. what did you mean earlier when you said that, you know, he's not worth it?.."
I understand that I don't even know the guy, but I plan too

"Oh, him. Yeah, well just like being the star, he's also the schools bad boy. His parents are the richest people in this entire city. They have a huge influence on the school, basically keeping their son out of any trouble that he gets in."

"Oh, he was just really nice to me."
Why am I stupid enough to think that guys here are any better than the ones at my last school...

"I know, it sucks since he's the hottest guy in school. But he's not who he seems to be. He has basically slept with every girl Here. And yes. He gets them by being nice... but let me tell you that he is a total douche bag."

We walked all around the school for all of first period. It was nice. And this school is huge, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get lost at some point today. And in this maze, it'll take them years to find me.

For the rest of the day...Well it was just like any other first day. No one really noticed me, and I didn't see anymore of Parker.
At least I did make a friend though, Angie seems nice.
At lunch we practically just hung out and got to know each other. But I avoided a lot of her questions, no one needs to know those things about me. Not yet.

Stepping through the front door, I wiggled the key out of the Lock and put it back in my jean pockets

Damn, he's here...

"Hey bro!" I say in a total shocked and somewhat annoyed way.

Before I had even stepped fully into the house. A tall figure with huge flexing arms runs in my direction and tackles me...

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Ryder jacks. My big brother. Ryder is, well how do I put this... NOTHING like me. But he's all I have

Ryder is probably the most athletic person you will ever meet. He was a social butterfly and a total ladies man. He is always outside playing sports, working out, or training. I actually kinda like the training, he's been teaching to fight since before I can remember. And I'm pretty badass at it.

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