Chapter 27

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"What do you want Parker?" I scolded

"Woah, what's got you all riled up today?" He smirked, knowing damn well that I'm just trying to focus on school at the moment.

"Oh nothing. Just this annoying dick who obviously doesn't have any respect for another's education."

Okay fine. Maybe today wasn't exactly the best day. I've already told you that. It's been sucking and everything's changing. That's exactly what needs to not happen.

"What? Who? Do I need to kick someone's ass?" For a second I actually thought he was serious. But me being regular clueless me, I looked up at him to see if he was being serious and saw him smiling down.

"Okay Parker. What is it that you need?"
I asked.

"Well, now that you are my date to the homecoming ball. We need to hang out."

I sat confused in my chair for a split second. Not entirely sure if it was the words being written on the board, or the fact that Parker Hayze just told me that we need to hang out.

"Excuse me Mrs.Ruiz, I believe the X should be in front of the 24." I said ay the same moment from rising my hand.

"Huh, well thank you for picking up that mistake Ms.Jacks!"
She erased her mistake and quickly fixed it, what was I doing before?...
oh right

"Okay. And why do we need to hang out. We aren't exactly friends. And we aren't dating. We are just going to a dance together."
Oh if Angie would hear me now she's slap the shit out of me for not snatching up this opportunity.

"I'm wounded Athie, truly, you have wounded me."
He slams his palm against his chest as he begins to look hurt. I looked straight at him and just rolled my eyes
"Well. What's the point of going to a dance with someone if you hardly know them?" He asked

"That's a good question...That you can answer yourself. Since you are the one who asked me in a big, huge extravagant way, even when we don't know anything about each other except the basic stereotypes."
Which was true. I don't really know anything about Parker, expect that he has a loving and amazing family, and some brother trouble. The only other things I know are the rumors and talks I hear about him during school. And if any of those are true.... well I wouldn't exactly be surprised now that I think about it.

"Well. Maybe asking you to the dance was just my excuse to get to know you better."
When I looked at him. He seemed actually genuine, there was no grimy smile. No cheesy smirk. He was actually just staring at me with those big beautiful hazel brown eyes, with the slight freckles that would poke out in the fluorescent lights.
Stoopppp it

"Why? Has the all famous Parker Hayze officially lost his touch? Have you really gone down that low to feel the need to ask me to a dance in order to get to know me better?"

He didn't really speak. But not in a bad way. He looked as if he was just studying me, waiting for my next move.
"Welp. You are gonna need to try a little harder than that."
I slammed my textbook and notebook shut that I had left open and got up from my seat just in time for the bell to ring.
Which was extremely cool because I was fully ready to just walk out in all honesty.

And yes, fine. Maybe I should be giving him a chance. He's doing all of this just to get to know me. But at the same time, he must have done this kind of stunt to hundreds of other girls. And if the rumors I've heard about him are true, then he's definitely found his way around the girls at this school. Not like they actually fight it though. All the girls in this school just throw themselves at him. Which I'm sure he gladly takes in.

"Hey you." A voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

At first I saw his shoes, very nice, probably newly bought. But I slowly make my eyes up to the beautiful face looking down at me

"Oh, hey Jamey." I smiled looking up at him. He was just so pretty to look at

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."
Now that I think of it, I haven't seen him in a while. Well kinda a while. But still

"Yeah, I know how you feel." I chuckled, looking down at my vans as I walked down the hallways along side Jamey.

"Let's fix that. Go out with me tonight."
My feet stopped moving from the sudden question that flew out of his mouth.
Was he asking me out? Like , an actual date?

"Go.. out with you?.." I asked slowly, kinda afraid to repeat his question.

"Uh Yeah..- Yes. You know, like a date?"

This isn't happening right? This has to be a dream. It's not real. I'm dreaming. That's it, it's the only explanation on why Jamey Brooks would be asking me out on a real, actual date.

"Uhm, Athie?"

My eyes blinked while adjusted as he was standing in front of me, just staring. His hands were shoved into the front of his jeans, and his shoulder were shrugged up but a little low at the same time, as if unsure of what was going to happen next.

What should I say? He's beautiful and gorgeous. He's always been extremely nice to me. Always a gentleman and never rude. But I can't help but think about Parker. What would he think? Would he be mad at me? He couldn't right, I mean he doesn't even like me, in that way. He's probably just taking me to the dance out of sympathy or something, nothing real. It's impossible for him to like me. So he shouldn't care if I go on a date... with one of his best friends...

Why am I even considering Parker?
Maybe because you kinda wish it was him instead of Jamey?...
okay. Shut up me.

"Yes. I'd love to go out with you tonight."

The corners of his mouth practically stretched out towards his ears
"Good, Alright. I'll uh, pick you up at 6?" He questioned with curious eyes.

Giving him a simple smiling nod, I walked off to my next class. Maybe today wasn't going to be that bad after all...


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