Chapter 33

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"Somebody!!! Help me!!!" I screamed as loud as I could without straining myself from my low energetic body.
A man jumps over to me and his hand crossing my face within seconds. Sending painful shocks through me. As if the previous of their beatings weren't enough.

"I swear if you keep screaming I'm going to murder you." One of the other men snap at me
I quickly shut up.

I've been sitting in these wood for what feels like hours. Maybe it was hours. But I wouldn't know. I was still losing blood, just slower. The pain in my stomach getting worse. By now I was just praying that if fall asleep and die peacefully. The woods are pitch black and there are people surrounding me holding flashlights. As if they have to guard me.
As if I'm dangerous enough to guard.

I hear some yelling the near distance, but overall i focus on the lead crunching that seems to be getting louder by the second.
A man appears, but it's too dark to point out his facial features.

"Boss. We got her, the Hayze girl. It was so easy too." Fernando tells the strange tall man.
So he's the boss.
But why would he want me??

"Let her go. Now." The boss orders. I guess he doesn't want me. But there was something about his voice that sounded so familiar, maybe he goes to my school? It seemed like he was purposely trying to make his voice deeper.

"But-... boss. We could use this as a weakness against the Vixons. Everyone knows that the Hayze brothers would do anything for each other. She's the tie!"

I heard a punch, the fist colliding with what I think was Fernando's jaw, then he fell.
The boss stayed standing still with his body standing straight.

"I said let her go. I have a different plan for the Hayze brothers and their gang..."

I thought Hayze said he wasn't in the gang?

"But I need her for that plan. Untie her and give her to me."

"It's okay boss." Fernando takes it back
"She shouldn't know who you are." He says. Ignoring the fact that he probably has a broken jaw

"No. I gave you an order, now obey it." His voice was stern and solid. The outline of his body looked strong, and he was about 6'1

"Yes boss." Fernando reply's without hesitation. In seconds he's walking over to me and unties the ropes, setting me free. Yet I'm hardly able to move. The pain in my stomach surges through my body as I try to get up. And my arms are tired, enough to keep me unable to lift them.

"Why isn't she getting up?." The boss says in an emotionless voice.

"Um. A few of the men got a little rough while taking her down." Fernando's voice was hesitant, and slow. Obviously not wanting to answer the question, but knowing that he had too.

There was silence. All around , no one moved... no one breathed.

"Bring them, now." The boss ordered.

There was a pause, then Fernando called out names.
"Henson, James, Adam.." he continued to call the names of the people who helped attack me, and one by one they all walked over and lined up in front of the boss.

"These are all?" The boss asked calmly

"Y-yes boss..."

"Hmm.." he nodded his head. In a matter of seconds the boss pulled out a gun from the back of his pants and pulled the trigger against all of the men lined up. It was the fastest thing I'd ever seen, and the echo of the bullets leaving the gun mimicked itself in my brain. A few tried to run away but he had caught all five men.

I didn't make a sound. I felt that if I did he'd turn around and shoot me next. I watched as each man one by one fell to the floor. Their bodies lifeless.

Light sobs came from me as the boss buckled his weapon back into the back of his jeans
"Fernando. Take care of the mess while I clean up yours." He ordered, Fernando replied but the boss didn't wait for him too. He simply started walking towards me and picked me up bridal style. He seemed familiar, very very familiar. But it was pitch black. I'd lost a lot of blood, and I was falling in and out of a daze.

I didn't try to resist him, he'd said that he wanted me alive. And I couldn't exactly do much. I'd felt tired, and weak. I could guarantee that I looked like a ghost right about now.
So I simply folded my arms over each other on the back of his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.
I could have sworn I heard a shoulder from him, but I couldn't make it out. But the suspense was killing me. I just wanted to see his face. Had I really known him? But who could I know who would kill five people point blank? No one. I didn't want to know anyone like that.
This man is dangerous, and as soon as I am able, I need to leave. Ryder and I need to leave. It's the only sane move.

We had passed the woods and officially got to the road with cars parked along the sidewalks. Street lights lit up the night as I tried to lift my head and take this as my chance to catch a glimpse of the boss.

And I did... but I wish I hadn't..
"R-...Ryder?.." I whispered. He couldn't look at me.
"Ryder?.." I said stronger. He still didn't look at me, but I'd known he had heard.

He walked into the back of a black van and hanged on the door with his leg as he was still holding me.
The door immediately burst open and there stood Hayze. Amazingly timed Parker Hayze.

"Hey Beautiful, thought I lost ya for a second." He smiled, reaching over to grab me and taking me from Ryder's arms. In which I was very much glad.

My brother... his work... he's apart of the gangs. He's a leader of a gang. The gang that just kidnapped and beat me. The gang that jumped Parker and I at the carnival. The gang that had just lost five of its members....
and my brother was the cause of that. But how? We had just moved here? How in the world could he have been involved in al of this so fast?

Millions of questions were going through my head as I laid still in Parker's arms.

"Oh shit... she's hurt bad. We have to get her to a hospital, now!." That's Parker, I know it is.

"We can't. It will just lead them to the gangs. There has to be another way." First, Ryder's gang kidnaps me and beats me, and now he's letting me fucking die?!

"There isn't! Drop me off around the corner, there aren't enough cameras to see you back there. I'll carry her up to the hospital and they'll file it as unknown. But we have to go now!"

That was all I could remember hearing before the car started moving and bouncing around rapidly. The little glances that I had caught of Hayze while laying on him were fuzzy and blurry. Unable to catch a clear picture.
A blanket fell over me as I fell underneath it, and everything was dark.


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