Chapter 18

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"I think you should leave" Parker said in a deep husky voice that I couldn't help but love.

"Woah woah Parker. No, nice to see you? I feel hurt. Truly." The creepy man started to walk closer to us and more men walked out fro the shadows of the alley.

"Wait. You two know each other?" I asked, Parker sent a look my way that made me think speaking wasn't the best idea.

"What a pretty voice you have. I am Fernando, madam. And who might you be?" He cocked a brow and firmed his lips into a smirk. I could see him slightly eyeing me up and down which surprisingly made me move closer to Parker and lightly hold his arm.

"That's none of your business. What are you doing here?" Parker snapped. He didn't seem scared at all. His poker face was amazing as he eyed down all of the men beginning to surround us.

"Oh you know. We were just having some fun. Then we hear your voice, along with this pretty little things..." he looked down at me
"Couldn't help but get a little curious."

I looked up at Parker to see his jaw clenched tightly and his muscles in the perfect form.
I looked around and saw the men eyeing me up and down. Starting to move closer which resulted in tightening my grip on Parker's arm.

He seemed to notice because he immediately looked around and eyed every man.

"Parker, let's make a deal. We leave you and your business alone, if you let us have some fun with the girl." The words slurred out of his mouth like he was trying to say it seductively. As if I would ever go with men like these.

"No." I could feel Parker holding back other words that might not be best to say at the moment.

"Well if I'm totally honest with you parker..." Fernando tilted his head down and stepped closer to us. Taking out a cigarette and lighting it, puffing out a few times.
"It wasn't entirely a choice." He lifted his head up and looked at his men. Cocking his head in my direction

"What?" I asked, looking around to see the four guys closing in on my like some creepy cartoons.

Parker had no hesitation in throwing the first punch, he pummeled the two men closer to him and went in for Fernando.

I stopped my focus on Parker as I noticed that two guys were still on my attention. I stepped back, farther into the alley as they crept closer to me
"Don't worry. Just come with us and we won't hurt you." One said with the grin of a kidnapper.

One of the men lunged at me as I immediately stuck my hand out and spiked him in his jugular. He fell straight to the floor and gasped for air as he held his throat.

"You little bitch. Your gonna regret doing that." The other man came up to me as I tried to throw a punch but he blocked it at the slightest and threw his fist at me.

It landed successfully as my face jerked to the side and a spark of pain flared my cheek. I was still standing as he launched another fist at me, but I ducked down just in time and sent my fist into the pit of his stomach. I spun myself around and cane back sending a powerful kick into the side of his abdomen.

He clung to it as his body bent down.
I could hear Parker still fighting off his attackers. Although I know how to fight, I was praying for him to come and help me. Knowing that these guys could probably over power me.

I tried to run out of the alley but the man I chucked in the throat stood up and grabbed a handful of my hair. Flicking my head back and sending me straight into the wall.

Holy shit I've never been more dizzy. My head was pounding and I felt a warm substance sliding down the sides of my face.

I was struggling to stand as they pinned me up against the wall and commented her palms against my throat. I got harder and harder to breathe by the second. My hands clasped in watcher they could but the second man stood up once more from my kick and held my arms down.

This is it. This is where I die. Officially.
My eyes fluttered closed as the guy chocking me against the wall was sent flying deeper into the alley. The second man let go of my arms and let me fall to the ground as he tried to fight off whoever had thrown the other guy. I heard a few grunts and fists slamming until guy number two fell to the floor right next to me.

Both men weren't moving from what I could tell. And I didn't know what to do but i just wanted to lay down.

"Brownie?" A voice called for me. A pair of very strong hands found their way against my body as I was slowly being lifted up.

I winced as it was still too fast for my head. I brought my hand up and felt my temples. My hand flinched away from me as it hurt like hell to touch. But I had seen blood dripping down the tip of my finger.

"Hey hey. Look at me." The strong hands held the sides of my face lightly and made me look at him.
My vision focused for a few seconds but eventually Parker's face appeared in front of me
"There you are" he smiled, which made me smile

I could see how worried he was but was just trying to hide it.
"Jesus. Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes wondering all around me

"Y-yeah I think so.." I said, blinking a few times to try and clear my head.

I looked at him and saw that his face was also badly bruised. Blood dripping down from his hair.
I wanted to reach out and touch his face, but that probably would be super awkward, so I managed to keep hands to myself.

He studied me a little longer and reached his hands under my arms to hold onto my body
"What are you doing?" I mumbled

"We need to leave before they wake up. I don't want to end up killing them." He said, not bothering to make eye contact as he lifted me up and helped me walk

"Wait. What about honey?!"
What a bitch move would that be. We just end up leaving his grandmother here with no one to take her home.

"I'll call my mom or someone. But they can't see us like this. They'll just ask a bunch of questions."

I eyed him for a few seconds while he was still avoiding eye contact
"Oh believe me. There will be plenty of questions later. Now where are we going?" I shot out

He looked around and pulled out his phone to text his mom in assuming, then shoved it back in his pocket
"A secret place"


Ooohhhohohoooo!!! Who do you think those guys were??? What business of Parker's?!?

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