Chapter 10

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"So, princess. Come to the football game tonight." He states, clear out of the blue

"What?" I asked in disbelief

I am literally the low life knew kid with one friend. Why on earth, would the schools most popular jock, want me at his football game? It doesn't make any sense to me

Maybe he was planning some big prank. Yeah, like they were planning on embarrassing the schools biggest losers.
No. He and his friends might be dicks. But I feel like deep down, really DEEP down in the depths of the darkest and deepest part of his soul, there is an actual good person.

"Are you deaf? I told you that you need to come to the football game tonight." His posture only moved into a more jerk worthy position.

I just walked away. I could hear him grunt to himself then the sound of his feet got closer

"What do you mean no? Why not?" He badgered

Jesus. Who does this guy think he is?

"Because what if I just don't want to go. There is no reason for me to go" I continued walking down the hallway as people pushed passed me and Parker tried to keep up. But I guess he got tired of it because he pulled my arm and turned my arm
"I'm gonna be late for my class." I sighed

"Who cares. And your reason to go to the football game, is me." His smirks could win a million dollars

"Why you?" I shot back with an unimpressed look

"Because your my new girl." He plastered on a cheesy smile

"No" I scoffed. When I turned around I bumped into the chest of tommy.

"Oh hey brownie. How's it going?" He smiled at me, tommy was actually pretty cute, if his face wasn't messing it up all the time...

"Can both of you go annoy some other girl with your pretend charms." I tried to walk away but tommy blocked one way as Parker blocked the other
"What the hell are you two doing?"

"Why are you passing up on me? Every girl in the world would die to be my new girl."

"Okay. Get off of your fucking horse. I would RATHER DIE! I don't want to be 'your new girl' because I'm not some ducking prize to be won or claim." And yes, I said ducking...
Once again, I get stuck in between these two giants.

"Come on brownie" tommy whined

"Yeah, come on. We will let you go if you agree to be there at the football game tonight."
Both of them started closing in on me

"Or, I can punch you if you don't let me go, and move you myself" I threatened
Both of them looked at each other then started laughing
So many emotions were flooding through my body

"Oh brownie. You are so cute ya know tha-"
His sentence was caught off by my fist planting straight into the pit of his stomach. I could definitely feel his abs, they were stern and hard. But thankfully to my brother, I have some power behind my punches

Tommy let out a breathe as he was kneeling over and gripping his stomach with both of his arms wrapped around him

Parker busted up laughing and nearly fell to the floor
"Y-you just Got K-knocked by a cH-ick!" He laughed between his stutters

I found this as my chance to walk away, but before I could make a full run to it, I felt two arms coming from behind me and bringing me into a soul crushing hold
"Now, there are about 60 seconds left until the bell rings. Meaning that all I need to do is keep you in my hold and you will ruin your perfect little record of never being late."
He whispered in my ear. His breathe sending chills down my spine as his muscular arms held onto me tightly
What are you thinking?! Snap out of it!!

"Well what if I do this?" I snapped my arms down from there current crossed position and leaned my body forward, taking him off of me. Turning around in seconds, I had his arms pinned against himself

"Well that would be clever... but you don't seem to have your balance worked out yet." He swung his legs out and tripped me over, I prepared for impact but it never came, instead I opened my eyes to see Parker looking over my face. Almost as if he was studying it

My eyes widened and starred straight into his as I realized that his hands were pressed firmly against my waist, holding me protectively. His eyes were a deep brown, but they lightened and had some hint of green as you moved closer to the iris. Before they looked blue.. can that even happen?!

"Has anyone ever told you, you have the most beautiful eyes?..." he whispered as he stayed still holding onto me with my hands pressing firmly against his broad shoulders. I got shocked by his words, and for a second, he did too.

For once, in these brief seconds. I had seen something in him. A person with a completely different look on life... a person who just needed a chance
Brief seconds...

"Ugh-uh" He cleared his throat, standing me up straight and moving away from me
"So what about that game? I'm sure your friend Angie wouldn't mind going.."

He was rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. Do guys not realize that us girls know what that means in every situation?

"Ugh. What time?" I gave in, fixing the straps on my backpack and crossing my arms

A huge smile crept its way onto his face as I could tell he was mentally cheering himself on
"Starts at 7. Don't be late" he said, pointing his finger at me with a serious tone.

He jogged towards tommy and helped up his friend who would probably get a slight bruise. I might not be the best "athlete" or anything, but I've always been good at fighting.

He slung Tommy's arm over his shoulder and started walking down the hallway, just before he walked out of view, he turned his head to look back at me one more time, sending me a famous "Parker Hayze Smirk"
Then walked away.

I stood in the hallway for a bit just thinking it over. What if he wanted me to go for a different reason? What if it meant something to him for me to go?
Nah, why would he genuinely want me to go? He probably is just thinking of hooking up with me or something.

I honesty have no idea..



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