Chapter 31

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I couldn't sleep last night.
Was it just the fact that Parker kissed me???
Most definitely.
The way his hands gripped my body, and was so dominant yet sweet and gentle at the same time. Made me crave him more.
I want to kiss him again. To feel the warmth of his hands on my skin.

But that's too much. It was only a kiss right? Only one kiss that probably means nothing today. Just a little fling like all of the other girls that he's had.

How could I be so dumb to actually fall for it? I can't stand that.

The frustration took me over that I didn't even plan out my outfit. I simply got an oversized hoodie with leggings and combat boots and left. My hair was in that perfect loose messy bun as little stray hairs fell against the cloth hugging me.


A loud horn knocked me out of my thoughts as I sat up straight on my bed and looked around to make sure that no one had seen me staring out into space. Even though no one was home. Ryder has had work lately and it's just us two.
Out of curiosity, I simply walked up from my bed and eased over to my balcony. Ryder had wanted this room but I begged him constantly until he finally gave in.

I practically only wanted a balcony for reasons..
Certain high school musical reasons...

Walking out, I placed my hands on the warm wooden barrier keeping me from falling, and as I looked down, I saw him.
His mesmerizing black challenger Parked in my driveway as he was standing there, looking up at me with a bouquet of sunset roses.
Like he hadn't given me enough the last time.
Not that I'm complaining though. No no no.

I wasn't too sure what was more surprising. The amount of my favorite flowers that he has seemed to find at any time. Or the fact that he is actually at my house, looking up at me from below the balcony.
Is this finally my high school musical moment?

He walked closer to where he was looking straight up and decided to climb on top of his car to get a better view, which made me cringe. How could he do that to such a beauty..
"Rapunzel Rapunzel, let down your hair, so that I may climb thy golden stair."
He said in a cute and heroic toned voice.

Internally, I was screaming that he had known poetry, or maybe had just remembered that one line. But of course, I had too keep cool on the outside.
"One, my hair is not long enough. And two, I'm not a blonde" I chuckled.

"You just had to ruin it didn't you." He said in a lower toned voice, which made me chuckle harder. If this is what being with Parker Hayze was like, then maybe I wasn't so against it. 

I walked away from the balcony and back into my room, swooping my back pack straps onto my shoulders and trotting down the stairs.
The tiny little dancers in the pit of my stomach had just now decided to start their concert, so of course. I was terrified to open the door.

He is here for you. You got this. 
I thought to myself.

Inhaling a huge wad of air and exhaling that same one, I turned the nob and exited my house. Locking it from behind me. I never really knew what it was like to have the popular guy like you, but now I do. He wasn't waiting by the door, instead he was leaning up against his car. Looking sexy in his leather black jacket, and dark Levi's. His beautiful hair falling in his face, but just the right amount slicked back.
When he looked at me, I swear it was like he knew what he could make me feel.
Excitement and terror at the same time.
And he probably liked it.

"Hi." I said, stopping right in front of him as he stopped leaning on the car and now standing  straight up.

"Hi." He said back to me in a deep rusty voice. Gosh he's so hot.

I'm not entirely sure what to do now. What am I supposed to do in this situation? I'm looking at him, straight into his gorgeous eyes. I want to look away but I can't. They are too captivating.
"So." He begins
"Is us kissing going to be a normal thing? Or am I just getting my hopes up."

I wanted to say yes. Immediately.
I want to kiss him. Everyday , every second. I know that seems crazy. I hardly know him, kinda. And he hated me to begin with. Or at least that's how it seemed.
And here we are.
Bodies pressed together against his car as stays parked in my driveway.

"You're just getting your hopes up." I say, patting my hand on his chest and pushing myself away. I don't wait for him to open the car door for me, which I'm sure he would have done. Instead I go for myself and bend down inside of the car. Buckling my seatbelt and waiting for him to actually get in. He waits out there for a minute, just standing there like a statue, then he snaps out of whatever thoughts he had and gets in.

He had a certain smirk on his face. He knew exactly what I was playing at. But I had to try and make this at least a little fun.
Because Although I want to kiss him. I don't know if being in a relationship with him is okay. And if I'm not in a relationship with him, then I don't want to kiss him.

Because even though he would probably be an amazing person to be with....
something keeps telling me that if I am with him, something bad is going to happen that I might never recover from.

And I'm not sure if I can do that.
Because there are still other things that I need to recover from. And in fact, I'm not sure if I will recover.

Arriving to school was different. It was like I was in a slow motion video while climbing out of Parker's car, and I didn't even try for it to be like that.
Surprising, I know.

Everyone was looking at me.
They jaws were practically on the floor and and I'm pretty sure I even saw a few girls crying. But one thing that I saw for sure was that Ashely was more pissed off than I've ever seen her.

"Don't worry about her." Parker whispered into my ear.
I hadn't even realized that he was right next to me with his hand placed on my lower back.

But shouldn't I worry? The last time I "didn't listen" she slapped me. Sure enough I showed her up but still. I don't want to be getting into anything bad.

After the bell rang, Parker  walked me to class then left, I could see that he was wanting to kiss me again. But I didn't let him. I knew that I shouldn't.

The rest of the day went by strangely fast. Nothing really happened, just annoying people and ever teacher telling us their plan for the week. Which was totally unnecessary because pretty much everyone in the class ignored that part of the lesson. And I had always done my work in advance. It was always easy.

Walking out of school, I was looking around for Parker, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Was it over already? Was he possibly gone in some closet with a different girl? Was I possibly just holding him back? Should I have kissed him today?

As these questions ran through my mind, I had started walking down the sidewalk. I probably shouldn't have. Our school was right next to the "woods" and today was a cold and grey day. Normally in scary movies. You don't go off wondering by yourself on these kinds of days.

"Hello Love."

And I guess those movies are right.

Turning around, I stand still as I see a man with a creepy smile plastered on his face.
The same man that jumped Parker and I at that carnival. 

"Uhh.... hi." I trailed on. Starting to slowly walk backwards.

He wasn't doing anything, only standing there. Watching me like he was studying me. Eyes trailing down my body and back up again, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"So. You must be her."


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