Chapter 17

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Shit shit shit

Why the heck is Parker here?
Well I know that he could be here since it's a carnival and stuff but I mean, why is he here here.

He just stared at me, not really sure on what to do I guess. I couldn't blame him. I was so confused myself as well I didn't know what to say next. Why was I even confused? I'm confused that I'm confused!!! This is so ......

"Oh Parker! I'm glad you could make it!" Grace walked her way over to Parker and gave him a big hug and pecked his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back

"Hey Gram. It's getting a little late, thought I'd come and take you home."

Wait. I've been sitting with Parker's Grandma for the past few hours? What the hell? She seems so nice. She is nice. How is it that every family member of his that I've met is outstanding but he is the devil himself.

"Oh sweetheart, so you know my grandson?" She smiled widely while she held his hands

I looked at Parker as he seemed a little tense. Like I was some burden to know. Like he didn't want his grandmother knowing me.

"Only in school. I've seen him around."
I smiled, pulling my muscles as wide and tense as they could go. Because that was honestly the only way I was able to pull out a smile right now

"We should go Gram." He suggested

"Oh nonsense. I must go and help with the other booths just a little while longer. Athena, will you keep Parker some company while I am helping out a bit longer?"

Her face held a smile as her eyes dig into my soul. I couldn't say no to her. She was so sweet and such a lovely person. I wouldn't want to let her down. But I didn't want to ever be walking alone with Parker

"Gram don't, I will be fine by myself." He insisted, which I strongly agreed on. But something inside me couldn't help but want to walk with him

Stupid teenage hormones

"No. I do not want you walking around here alone. There are dangerous people. Athie?" She called me by the only nick name I've ever had
"Will you?"
Her longing eyes and lowered eyebrows made it impossible to turn down the offer

"Y-yeah. Okay.." I said shyly, obviously making it sound like I wasn't too sure about anything that I was about to be doing. Which was walking with Parker

"Wonderful. Come back whenever, but at least give me an hour." Grace smiled and pinched Parker's cheeks. I couldn't help but chuckle as he slyly moved his head from her grasp

She moved her way towards me and took my hands, squeezing them tightly
"Thank you sweetheart. It was wonderful to sit with you. It's not often I get to talk with anyone without being badgered." She nudged her head in the direction of Parker, probably referring to his family. I wonder what they would badger her about.

"Of course Grace." I smiled back

"Ah ah ah. It's honey to you. It's what my friends call me." Grace... honey, winked at me and smiled, and I knew that meant more than her reasons. Pulling my in for a tight hug and then walking off towards the booths that she wanted to help.

I stood there awkwardly, looking down at my feet and balancing back and forth on them. I already knew that this was going to be extremely awkward. His grandma practically set this up. I could see it in her smile. And most definitely her wink.

I twiddled with my fingers as my head stayed down. My hair slightly falling into my face, probably making me look like some creepy ass demon.

"You can leave now. Gram is distracted." He spoke.

"What? No, I'm not going to leave. That would be so disrespectful to her." I defended.

I get that we both don't want to be net each other. But I told honey I would. So that's what I'm going to do.

"Wow. No wonder she likes you." He started to walk away with his hands inches down in his jacket pockets
"You coming?" He asked, giving off an annoyed tone

I rolled my eyes

I caught up to him as we both kept our distance, my hands kept in my pockets as his were in his jacket as well.

"Why does my family like you so much?" He asked out of the blue

"I don't know. Maybe because I'm an actual good person. And the only girl who isn't one of your booty calls."

"Hey. Some of those girls are kinda nice"
I just tilted my head down and glared at him.
He continued to walk until he finally noticed my look and shrugged his shoulders

"But they do. Like you. My Gram doesn't let anyone call her honey. Unless they are family or childhood friends."

I felt honored. Truly.

"So why you?"
And once again. He's a dick. The way his attitude is placed in the sentence makes it sound like he totally dreads me ever being in his life. We don't even know each other. He probably is just pissed off that I rejected him.

"Like I said. I'm a good person. Maybe you'd see that if you weren't always busy being a dick." I spat at him.
He acted amused but I could see passed that fake smile. He was actually a little tensed up now.

I hadn't even noticed that we were walking farther and farther, not noticing that we were already passed the carnival.
I twisted my head back and forth but I guess Parker didn't care because he kept on walking.

We were started to walk up to an alley way as I heard some noises coming from them. Sounded like people. I didn't really think much of it. I just ignored it normally, if I ever walked near the alley ways.
But Parker seemed stiff. Like he was on his guard.
He moved closer to me and stood in front, making a protective move.

"Huh, wow parker." I huffed, legging our a slight chuckle

"Shhh." He hushed

"You don't need to make the protective move Parker. I'm able to handle myself."

"Is that so?.." a random voice said. It was cold and gritty, sending automatic chills down my body. Making me suddenly cold.
"Well who doesn't like a feisty girl? They are always the most fun." He stepped out of the shadows and I saw that he was wearing a leather jackets. And ripped dark jeans. His raven black hair was slicked back to the max.

His eyes looked crazed as he held a small scar at the top of his left eyebrow.
I wanted to get a closer look but Parker stepped closer in front of me and blocked my path with his built body that towered me. I could barley see passed him.

Something told me that Parker wasn't a fan of this guy..

Who do you think that creepy guy is? Could he be apart of Parker's dark passed/ current state??

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