Chapter 26

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To say that I was under serious house arrest would be a major understatement. The entire weekend, I had to stay in the basement. Granted, it's a very nice basement, But I was held captive down there for the entire weekend. Ryder brought down breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me. And a new pair of clothes every morning. It's a good thing that our basement actually has a bathroom with a working shower, because if it didn't, I would probably be going pee in a bucket.

That's how serious Ryder was with this entire thing. The last time my dad contacted me, he tried to kidnap me. I could hear police officers constantly waking in and out of the house. Talking with Ryder. It was never good if my dad contacted us... or more like me. He never tried to get ahold of Ryder. It was always me. And I can't blame him.

So for the entire weekend, I wasn't allowed to go out or do anything. I wasn't allowed to use my phone at all. In Which I probably have a million missed calls and texts from Angie. Maybe even some from Parker...
don't get your hopes up.

The only reason I am currently sitting in my room, is because it's Sunday night, which means I have school tomorrow, and because Ryder is with me, sitting on my "floating chair" across the room.

Although we just moved here, I loved my room. It was beautiful and I liked everything about it. My favorite place has always been the beach, so that's the theme of my room, and it totally looks like it's straight from Pinterest. Which is amazing as everyone knows.

"You can go to bed now ya know.." I said, pulling the sheets over me and tucking myself in the best I can

"No. I don't want to leave you by yourself."
Ryder's voice was serious, not in any kind of playing mood. He dipped his hat and started to slowly drift away. I felt bad for him, even though I always think this and he always tells me I'm wrong. I'll never stop thinking of the life he can have if I wasn't constantly in the way.

"Okay. Well goodnight. Feel free to leave at anytime." He scoffed and rested his head on the tip of the chair, swinging himself to sleep.
Although I have plenty of reasons to be well, scared at this moment. With my psychotic dad on the loose and all. But the only thing that I'm worried about tomorrow, is that it's the first day back from Parker's Proposal.

No one is going to be different right? I'll still be the shy invisible girl that no one sees. Parker might talk to me more. But that's it right? Ashely won't murder me... I'll be okay.

I'll be okay.


Everyone could probably hear me shouting at Angie from outside of the girls restroom but I didn't care.

Everyone. And I mean, EVERYONE. Has been pulling me aside and talking to me. I've gotten a few threats and a few pat on the backs and bone crushing hugs from football players as if I'm their new "leading man"

I'm tired of it! I never wanted this! I never wanted the popularity. I was okay with not being seen. Preferred it actually

"Okay, breathe. It's okay, everything is gonna be fine. It just happened Friday, so, maybe it just needs a little time. But this will all Passover. Especially since you and Parker aren't a thing." I could hear that smile in her voice from a mile away.

"No. And we never will be." I stuck my tongue out at her as she started to giggle to herself. But not before looking around to make sure one of Ashley's minions didn't hear me. I've seen enough teen movies to know that what I just said could cause a lot of problems for a girl like me.

"I'm just saying. He's been protective over you. Has been wanting you to be at his football games. He ASKED you to the homecoming ball. And you haven't officially said that you don't like him."

I raised a brow and took another look around the bathroom and under the stalls
No one.
"Well I don't. Like him, that is." I whispered

Of course I know that's not entirely true...

"Mhmm. Well, let's just get to class, and maybe the rest of the day won't be so bad."
Ushering me out of the ladies restroom. She was practically dragging me down the hall. Only because my first class of today was the only class that I share with Parker. And I could already see how it's going to go...

"Okay Okay!" I whined, snatching my arm back from her killer grip and and strutted my way into my classroom.

Pulling the door open, I walked through with my head facing the floor as if it was physically pulling me down. I didn't want to look at anyone. And I sure as hell didn't want anyone to see me.
But we don't all get what we want do we?

"Well hello Ms.Jacks! Congratulations on the homecoming proposal! Fabulous work on Friday Parker!"
Mrs.Ruiz. Ohhhh classic Mrs.Ruiz is always one to break the ice isn't she.
I heard a few shouts and cheers coming from a couple of the students, but I just walked and sat down in my seat.

I could practically feel Parker's glare on me. It wasn't just burning my skin, it already burnt a hole in my body. I felt the movement of the nerdy boy who sits right next to me, then I started to feel a shove on my arm. Over, and over, and over again.

"What?" I hissed quietly. Looking straight into Parker's eyes, who had probably just threatened that kid to move seats with him.
The both of us weren't even paying attention to the teacher, just focusing on a major starring competition

"Hey beautiful."

Did he just call me that?
I blinked rapidly


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