Chapter 35

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"Oh my god girl are you okay?!" Angie stepped outside of her house and wrapped her arms around me. She softened the hug when I flinched slightly from the pain,  but it felt good. I didn't mind it.

"What happened?" She asked, pressing herself away from me.

"It's a really long story, that I'll tell you one day. But please not tonight."
I understand that she's my best friend. Which is exactly why I can't tell her shit. She can't be getting involved with this. It's bad, and out of all the people I have left in my life, I need her to be safe.

"Yeah.. yeah of course. Come on in." She rushed me in while I slowly wobbled inside of her house. I just now realize that I've never been in her house.
And I'm not sure why. Because everything is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. The entire feel of the house is warm. Orange and red aura. Almost golden. Like you know that feeling, when you are with your family, or friends, just the people that you really care about. And everyone is having a good time. Laughing and cheering.

And you take your time to look around, and you are just so happy, and so lucky that you have them in your life. And you get that feeling in your heart, that just warms up your entire body.
That's what her house is like.

"Okay. We have a guessed room that you can stay in. I talked to mom and dad, they said that you can stay for however long you'd like. Do you need anything?" She asked me.

"Umm... I don't have anything. I can't go back to the house." I said, looking down at myself. I literally did not bring anything. I don't have any bags with me. I don't even have a toothbrush.

"Okay. Don't worry. I'll get you whatever you need. We can go shopping tomorrow. And while we are shopping, we can look for your dress."
Dress, why would I need a dress?..
oh no.
My head snaps up at her response to me.

"What? No no, I can't have you guys do that. Are you crazy? I... I totally forgot about the ball. I'm not even sure if it's a good idea to go." I want to tell her. I want to tell her why I shouldn't go. But I can't.

"No no. No cold feet on my watch. I've been planning for this since forever. I already have the perfect dress picked out for you. We are going shopping tomorrow, and don't worry, dad already set up an account for me to go shopping." She smiled happily. But I didn't.

"He set up an account for you?! You never told me you were rich ya know."

"Well. My parents are just wealthy. And we don't show it off. We don't like too. But my father owns tons of companies down here. He's the head of a lot of.. things I guess." She smiled.
"But. Right after school tomorrow. We are headed to the best mall out here. I practically already called in your dress. Sorry." She wasn't sorry, I could see it in her amused face.

"Can't wait.." I said, forcing a smile.

"Okay, I know that smile is totally fake. But you will have fun. And we are going to get you all done up and everything. Okay? The ball is on Saturday, you know how much preparing we are going to have to do?!"
She was now talking to herself down the hall, and I decided to follow her. Her house was way bigger than mine. We didn't live that far away, but it was almost like we lived in two completely different areas. It felt huge. Like a mansion.

"Okay. This is your room." She said, stopping by a door. When I opened it, it was all completely done up.
(AUTHORS NOTE: picture of the room is at the top of chapter!)

"This is your guest room?!" I nearly shout.
It was beautiful

"Well, when you called I had some time to kinda fix it up a bit. My mom does fashion and interior design, so we always have cool things to decorate with. I felt like you'd like this."
She crossed her arms and nodded at herself proudly

"Are you kidding? I love it! It's gorgeous." I say, walking around the room

"Well I'm glad you like it. Now how about a movie night? I've got ice cream..."

I looked over to her, and my smile went wide.
How could I ever be thankful enough for a best friend like her.


Today is Thursday... officially one more day until the homecoming ball. One more day until I have to go to a dance.
How the hell can I even go to a dance?

I have stitches on my arm, and a cracked rib. Am I medically allowed to go to a dance?

We were already at school. Mind you I am having this small mental breakdown in a small stall of the girls restroom.

"Athie!! You need to get out!"
And Angie has found me. Don't think I'm avoiding her. I'm not. She was even nice enough to lend me an outfit for today....              "I'm avoiding everyone else in the world, because apparently news got out that I was "jumped" (oh yeah. I guess you can explain getting kidnapped and beaten by a gang then tied to a tree to find out it was my older brother and the guy I like as "jumped" )

So now. I'm the talk of the school. Everyone who passed me in the hallways has asked if I'm okay. I can't even tell you the amount of people who have tried to randomly hug me today.

"I-I think I'm okay in here, thank you."
And, not to mention, I haven't seen Parker, anywhere. Haven't even heard from him. Granted I'm still kinda pissed off that he's apart of his brothers gang. But who wouldn't be?

"No no no. You can't stay in here forever. I know that you don't wanna talk about it, but you also can't run away from whatever happened. Come on, we are leaving."

Quickly, I sat up in the stall.
(No, I was not using the restroom)
Unlocking the door and immediately.

"What do you mean by, leave?"
I asked, moving me eyebrows and asking in a semi serious matter

"I mean. We are leaving. Right now, we are going to go shopping early. Go get ice cream, or out to eat somewhere. But we need to get you out of school."

"Alright. I'm in. Let's go!!" I shout, racing out of the stall and grabbing her hand to shoot out of the girls restroom.

"Woah okay slow down!"
I wasn't. I needed to get out of here. I don't care anymore.
There's Nothing That Can Stop Me!!!!!!!

Except that.
I stopped abruptly.
Angie was still right next to me, but was happily shaking me from seeing Parker.
It's Parker.

I turned around slowly and tunnel visioned on Parker. He was at the end of the hallway.
Staring at me.
He's in his black leather jacket, with black jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Such a simply outfit.
But he makes it look so fucking beautiful.
Damn him.


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