Chapter 15

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His words almost scared me a bit.

"I am having breakfast with your amazing parents. What id like to know is what I'm doing here in the first place." I said calmly. Not really wanted to raise my voice at his parents

"You were drunk. Where else was I supposed to take you?"

"Home." I simply stated back

"Oh honey! I thought you knew he was bringing you here. Parker you practically kidnapped this poor girl!" His mom raised her voice and brought me in for a side hug.
I looked up and smiled at her as I saw a small look of disgust and a glare on his face. Which was enough to make me stand up

"It was lovey meeting you two, and I hope to you see both really soon. But I should be getting home."
I sat up from the chair and began to pick up all of the dishes we had made

"Sweetie are you sure? It's pouring outside."
I hadn't even noticed all of the rain. It was actually surprising that I didn't. It sounded like it was practically going to shatter the glass doors

"Y-yes I should. My brother will probably be worried."

"Well I imagine your parents will be too."
Hmmm... my parents...
my head hung low as I nodded in agreement

"Y-yeah... they w-would" I stuttered, hoping that they wouldn't be able to notice it.

"Well. Parker will drive you home. And keep the pjs, they look way better on you." She laughed and smiled, walking towards me and engulfing me into a hug. And as surprised as I was, the Parker's dad did too.

I wanted to cry. It had been so long since I've felt like this... since I've been held by two loving parents.
"Well. I should go." I released myself from the hug before anyone could notice the tears wallowing in my eyes.

Quickly grabbing my clothes, I ran out the door without any last goodbye. I didn't want them to see me cry. And I most certainly did not want Parker to be driving me. And not in this weather.

Walking down the street was pure torture though. It was extremely cold, my body was shivering so much you would think I'm a freaking ice cube. I was soaked head to toe. It looked like I just took a swan dive into the Pacific Ocean. My teeth were chattering to a beat as I held my arms tightly against my body, attempting to stay as warm as possible.

I walked a little further just before a beautiful black Dodge Challenger pulled up besides me and started to loosely follow

Oh no. This is it. This is where I die. Please god help Ryder with anything he needs and help him get through everyth-

"Brownie!" I heard. Jesus I know that voice.
I turned my head and slightly lowered my body as I saw Parker driving the Challenger. The car was slowly keeping up with me but was right by my side
"What the hell are you doing!? Get in the car!" He shouted over the rough weather

"No I'm fine. Just go back home!" I shouted back.

Of course I wanted a ride home, just, not from him

"Athena! Get in the damn car!" He demanded once more, I could see how upset and furious he was getting by the crinkle on the top of his eyebrows

"No!" I spat out.
I kept stomping my feet against the cemented sidewalk as he stopped the car

Thank god, he stopped following me...

I heard extra noise coming from behind me, so naturally I turned around and saw an insanely tall and pissed off parker pacing towards me

Guess he didn't stop

"Get in that damn car. Now." He ordered as he was now towering over my body, shielding me from the rain

"No! I am able to walk home like a normal teenag-"
I was cut off by Parker not hesitating to wrap his arms around my body and pick me up as if I weighed absolutely nothing.
"Parker!! Put me down!" I shouted as I began to pound my fist on his back. Although it had absolutely no effect on him whatsoever

His hands were placed firmly on the back of my high thigh as his grip would not loosen. As much as I hate to admit it, his touch was sending sparks through my entire body and making me feel warm. Even though the rain was pouring over us, I could still smell the strong scent on his shirt. It filled my entire head as I got high off of it.
Jesus, stop it already!

He opened the car door and forced me inside. I tried to get out once again but he pinned my body to the seat as he bent over across me and buckled my seatbelt in. Just as I was about to unbuckle and start walking home again. He pushed a tiny little white button on the inside of the door and shut it

"What the hell did he just do?" I said to myself. The door was unlocked, but when I pulled the handle and tried my best to open it. It wouldn't budge

That son of a bitch!

"You put me on child lock!?" I shouted as he entered the car and started to buckle his own seatbelt.

He didn't even say a word to me. Just pushed down the clutch and started driving

"Let me out Parker!" I demanded

"No." He said clear as day


"No! If something happened to you my mother would kill me."
Of course. His parents would be sad but not him. Because he doesn't care. About anyone but himself.

"Hmm. Yeah. Of course it wouldn't bother you in any way."
He stopped at a red light and turned his head over to me.
"No. I wouldn't be bothered. Now please shut up."

I am so happy that I listened to Angie. One minute he is showing me off as his new football girl, and the next he is telling me that he wouldn't care if anything happened to me. What a lovely person he is. Truly.

The entire rest of the car ride was dead silent as I just stared out my window. Watching the rain droplets trickle down the glass and fall faster from the gathered water.

We arrived to my house rather fast as Parker stepped out of the car, walked around and opened my door for me since I couldn't.

I walked straight passed him as I strutted towards my front door
"Your welcome!"
He shouted as I ignored him and burst through my front door.

I closed it as fast as I could and rested my body against the door. Sliding down it. I didn't want to do anything. All I wanted was to cry for a million days, and I don't even know why. Parker doesn't mean that much to me. He doesn't mean anything to me! And he never will!

My head hung low between my crossed arms as I rested them on my knees. Warm fluid tuning down the corner of my eye as my head remained buried

"You said you wouldn't scare me anymore.."
I heard the tiniest mumble coming from a little further into the house. I knew it was Ryder, but it didn't even sound like it.
I looked up slowly, showing my red face as I saw him standing there with a beer in his hands and bags under his eyes.

"Ryder.." I meant to say it with more power, but ended up as a whisper

"I noticed you had left when I went to come and get you for dinner. And I thought you'd come back later on. But you didn't." He started saying

"It scared the hell out of me, knowing that whenever you would get upset, you would hurt yourself, in the worst way, and I was never there to save you."
I closed my eyes shut at the memories. I did used to harm myself, and I regretted every time I did.

"I went to the game, and I couldn't find you anywhere. I went back home to see if you had come back. You weren't here. You weren't anywhere athie. I couldn't find you. And you never came home."
I could see how beaten up he was. He was devastated. And I knew how he felt.

"Y-your all I have left athie." He stuttered, tears appearing in my older brothers eyes
"I-... I can't lose you" his head hung low as his voice seems to crack a bit.
I didn't know what to say. How the bell could I be so selfish?? I wasn't thinking about him in this entire situation when I should have been!

"I'm sorry."

Ugh!!! I would die anytime I saw my brothers crying!!! It was the worst thing ever! 😭

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