Chapter 25

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His voice came out as a demand. Like he wasn't even asking, it was a statement. How the hell did he have that affect?

"It's nothing, I'm fine okay."
My trying to hush it away made it worse than I thought it would be. Parker seemed to be infuriated now. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw smoke blowing out of his ears.

His hand gripped into my cheek and lifted it up so he could get a better view.
"Fine my ass. Someone hit you! God dammit I swear if you don't tell me who the hell it was!" He shouted. Causing the attention of my brother and Angie. They both of course walked over to me and started to inspect my face, just as Parker did.

"Guys!" I shouted, I was aware of how shocked they were by their multiple steps backwards
"Yes, someone did. But it's no one you guys can hurt. I handled it. Please.."

Angie nodded, same as Ryder. But of course, Parker was still fuming, until Ryder flared at him. I guess guys have their secret way of communication. They never even have to say a word. I tell you they are just like girls.

"Fine. But will you let me drive you home?" He asked softly with only a certain amount of tense in his voice.
Once I got the nod of approval from my brother, I walked a few feet away from Parker and into his beautiful car.

Of course he pulled out the gentleman moves and opened the car door, waiting for me to properly adjust before shutting it. The only thing on my mind was, how the hell did this ever end up happening? I truly do not understand in any way possible. So once again... what the hell?

It was silent when he stepped in and started to drive. The air felt thick and uncomfortable. But I couldn't help it
"Why did you do it?"

He didn't move from my question, he just kept looking straight ahead into the road.
"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean" I mumbled
"Why did you ask me to the homecoming ball?"

We drove up to a stop light, and he looked at me. The first time he had actually looked at me in the car.
"Is it just so impossible to believe that you've been on my mind since the moment you bumped into me?"

"Yes.." I whispered
For once I actually said something my mind was thinking

He heard me, I knew it because when I said it, his grip on the starring wheel tightened. But we didn't say another word to each other. It was completely silent as he drove to my house and up the driveway.
"Stay in the car."

I did what I was told and stayed. He has such a hold on me that I can't get over.
I watched him get out of the car and walk over to my side of it.
When he opened the door, I saw him lean in, but he quickly backed himself away and stood up straight, simply putting his hand out for
Me to grab, which I accepted

The door seemed like a million miles away. And I couldn't get there fast enough to end this awkward moment. And yes, it is very awkward. We didn't say a thing to each other as he walked me up and both stopped on the porch.
His head was low and so
Was mine. I didn't exactly know what to say? What does a girl say in this situation?
Thanks for asking me to the dance. See you Monday.

No. That's awful...

"I need to ask you something." He said, catching my attention

"Ask me another thing?"

He was nervous, I could tell, how he stands, it wasn't his normal position. His head constantly hanging low and his breathing a little off balance.
"Will you go on a date with me?"

I don't know if I should have expected it. Or be shocked by it. I was a little in between.
I shouldn't. We shouldn't. Because I'm the new nerd and your the insanely hot bad boy football star.

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you." I guess he was just as surprised by my answer as I was. His head shot up and he looked at me while the corners of his mouth twitched up

He nodded his head, and started to step down the porch steps.
"See you soon brownie."
Without another word, he was gone.

To say that I was happy, was an understatement. But why, why am I so happy. This is all such a bad idea, and I know it is. But I can't help but swoon inside everyone I see Parker. Maybe I'm actually starting to like him...
And maybe he's starting to like me too.
Stop being stupid athie. He's never going to
Like you.

But for once. I ignored my words and decided to be happy for myself.
I have a date to the homecoming ball.
And I have an actual date
Both of which are the same, incredible sexy,
Parker Hayze.

Instead of possibly ruining this wonderful night by going into that shallow excuse of a house. I decided to go to park.
I had been exploring since I got here, and was able to find one, thankfully no one really knew about it. But it was beautiful. It had taken me a while to find, because it's hidden behind massive walls that you think of as the end of your trip. But passed that is so much more.

Walking there took about thirty minutes maybe, but it was well worth the wait. All of the lights were off around me, which meant that the stars were shinning bright tonight.

I sat on one of the benches and relaxed my body, taking in the beautiful sight around me. I love stars. My mom and dad used to drive me out into the middle of nowhere every year for my birthday, and I would just stare at the stars for as long as I could. They used to tell me all the stories on how the people who have passed become stars, to forever watch over their loved ones.
Maybe she's up there too...

I felt a constant vibrating in the back of my jeans.
When I pulled out my phone, it said
Unknown at the top of it.

"Hello?" The stupid in me answered

"It's never good for such a pretty thing to be all alone at this time of night."

The voice was rough and cold, I could already see the picture of such a scary faced man being in possession of such an awful voice.
I looked around the park like any sane person would do, but just like any other person in this situation. I didn't see him... 

"Parker should know better than to leave you all alone. Isn't that right Athena."

"H-How did y-"

"Don't worry sweetheart. He'll know all about me soon enough. See you soon."

With The last word said. The phone was hung up. And I left as soon as it did.

Running all the way to my house without stopping. Completely terrified that if I stopped he would get to me.
How did he find me? How did he know where I was?

Tons of questions flew in my head as I threw the front door open and ran up the stairs to Ryder's room.

"Ryder! Wake up!" I shouted. Shaking him enough to make him fall off of the bed. Normally he would kill me, but I'm not the one he's going to want to kill.

"Athie. What the fuc-"

"He called me." I bluntly stated.
It captured Ryder's attention. Just as I knew it would.
"Dad called me."

Just so you all know, the picture at the top of the chapter is Athie's Park.

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