Chapter 14

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Parker Hayze:

I think trying to get her limp body out of my car was one of the hardest things. It wasn't that she was heavy, she's light as a feather. It's just that even though her body was limp, she kept swinging herself around in her sleep.
She actually got a pretty good punch in.

I tightened my grip on her waist as I let go with one hand and unlocked my front door. It pushed open slightly, sending an echo of creeks. I stepped inside slowly and pushed it close with my foot, and began walking up the stairs.

Laying her down in my bed have me this weird feeling... like I wanted to see more of it.
Stop that

" cough cough"
I already knew who it was

"Hey mom." I turned around and saw her leaning her side against my door Frame. She was tucked into her robe as her grey pants dragged on the floors.

"It's the same girl isn't it?" She crosses her arms and lifted a brow

"N-... yeah." I hated lying to my mom. It was always the worst. We had a good relationship. And lying to her made me feel like shit. But there are some things about me that she can never find out.

"You like her?"

"What?!" I nearly shouted. I quickly sucked in a breath and turned my head to see Athena wiggling in my blankets, then come to a rest.
The air left my body as I exhaled
"No mom. I don't like her. She's just some nerdy new girl at the school."
I tried to walk passed her but she brought her hand up and placed it on my chest. Stopping me from moving any farther

"Mhmm. Don't act dumb. I know what kind of guy you are at school. I know that you only bring girls here for one thing. And afterwards, they never come back. This is the first girl you have brought here that you haven't slept with. And the first girl that you've brought back"

I rolled my eyes and gently took her hand off of my shirt.
"Yes mom. But at the same time, she was getting drunk at both times, and needed a place to crash. I'm not a dick. Trust me, she will be stomping her way out of here first thing in the morning"
I walked by the mom and towards the guest room as she stared at me with her eyebrow still raised and a goofy smirk on her.

It was true. I only ever brought girls here for sex. And I would have them leave right after. It wasn't some big secret. It's also true that she's the only person who has stayed over for the entire night. And who I haven't slept with.
But I want too.

She's also different. She's shy, and closed off. No one really knows anything about her. She's a mystery that I plan on solving.

Athena Jacks
"Ughhh" I groaned as I slowly turned my head on the soft pillow beneath me.

Oh no. I know this bed...

My body shot up as I once again, was starring at grey walls and the best bed ever made.
"Not again" I muttered to myself.

Kicking the sheets off of my legs, I placed my feet firmly on the floor. Just as I was about to get up I saw a glass of water and Advil sitting on the bedside table with a little card.

I knew that Parker had done this, which made me hesitant on opening, but curiosity got the best of me.

I snatched the card up and opened it

Thought you might need this. Breakfast ready when you wake up

Hmm. For a dick he this was actually a nice gesture. I picked up the pills and popped them in my mouth, running them down with a gulp of water.
Good thing too, because my head feels like someone knocked me out with a hammer. I stood up from the bed and walked around the room and into the restroom, knowing that he probably put my phone in the same drawer.

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