Chapter 19

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"Will you stop whining!"
I dipped the cloth in the bowl of water once more and started to dap around all of Parker's cuts and scrapes. Apparently his "secret place" was some cabin in the middle of nowhere. But it was pretty beautiful here. There was a nice lake, and the cabin was absolutely gorgeous.

He insisted on helping me first but I told him no, and I can be pretty stubborn when I want to be..

"You shouldn't have started fighting them." He said, his voice low

"Well I also wasn't going to let them kidnap me and do whatever the hell they wanted to do to me. Which probably were some bad things."

I was cleaning off his knuckles as his fists closed and his body stiffened up.
I looked at him and his beautiful eyes looked dark, and cold.

"It's okay. I can handle myself." I reassured him. It didn't seem to make him feel any better. His body was still tense and The muscles on his jaw kept moving.

"Alright. Your done. Sit down." He ordered

"I'm fine. Really. I think I'm just gonna head home." I tried to walk to the door. But was stopped by Parker. Putting his body in between me and the doorway.

I took in a deep breathe
"Parker. Please move." I asked him calmly.

He stood there, looking down at me with his hands behind held across his chest.
I huffed and tried to move around him. But he moved in the same direction. I tried the other way and he did the same thing.

maybe if I...

I tried going one way then stopped in my tracks and went the opposite. Successfully moving passed him. My hands gripped firmly against the doorknob as I giggled it a few times

"Stop!" Parker barked. His hands firmly placed themselves on my hips as he picked me up like a freaking feather, and threw my over his shoulder

"Parker! Put me down!" I screamed, punching his back. I'm not gonna lie and say that my hands didn't hurt. It hurt like hell, my knuckles were most definitely bruised.

"Okay." He dropped me on the couch, making me bounce a few times as I tried to settle down.
"Sit up. And stay still. Or I'm going to tie you down."

I did NOT want to be tied down in this cabin, or ever.

Parker walked up and drained the water out so that he could fill the bowl up with clean water.
Once he had found a new rag, he walked over to me and kneeled down. Without permission, he yanked my hand from my lap and started to caress his thumb over it. I snatched it back and stared at some wall.

"Can you not be stubborn for one second and give me your damn hands so I can clean them off!"
I eyed him for a few second. Then gave in. Instead of taking this time, he gently grabbed them and placed the warm watered down rag on my knuckles.

It stung slightly but nothing that I couldn't handle.
"How did you know them?" I asked him

He paused in his actions for a split second, then started dabbing again
"I have an older brother. He's into some pretty bad stuff with bad people. I went with him on a few things and ended up getting stuck to help them out a few times."

I found myself frowning and looked down. Of course he was in some bad business. Why wouldn't he be.
"I'm not involved with them. I told my brother I wasn't doing anything else for them or anyone."
Ahhh, I guess he is kinda good.

"So what about you? How did you learn to fight like that?" He asked me.
He had finished cleaning up my knuckles and moved up to my face. Placing the warm cloth gently on my temple. His eyes were so pretty, just beautiful...

"Oh uh... my brother. Ryder. He taught me how to fight as we were growing up. In case anything ever happened."
Parker slightly nodded his head. Mainly focusing on my injuries

"Jesus Christ. What did they do to you?" He whispered to me, he looked deeper at my head where they had bashed me into the wall

"Oh umm... they kinda, smashed my head against the wall before you were able to come. It's nothing." I looked down and started twiddling with my fingers. Why was I like this?

"Nothing? Athie. They hit you. They were going to do worse to you. I- I can't believe I let that happen." He tilted my head and saw bruising starting to form on my cheek
"I'm gonna fucking kill them." He gritted through his teeth. He stood up and started to huff and puff

"Parker." I reached out and grabbed his hand before he could walk out of the cabin and go get himself in more trouble.
He stopped and looked back at me slowly. As if scared of what he was going to see.
"Please. Don't." I asked.
I didn't know why, but my eyes felt warm and a lump started to form at the back of my throat.
Am I really crying right now?

He sighed and came back, sitting on the couch right next to me.

The air was silent between us as we both looked like complete shit.

"You know. I didn't hook up with Ashley that night of the football game." He stated out of no where. But it caught my attention
"I was excited to see you. So I got out of the lockers when I knew you were there. I couldn't even see Ashely walking up to me. I promise, we didn't do anything that night."

I felt happy that nothing happened. But why? Nothing was ever going to happen between Parker and I. I would always be the loser new girl, and he will always be on top of the food chain.
"Why are you telling me this?" I snapped slightly, not raising my voice but also not saying it quietly
"What's your game here?"

"What? Nothing. I just wanted to let you know. In case you were hurt or anything."
Wow, I mean yes, I was a little, disappointed when I thought they'd done something and saw them kissing. But this is an entirely different story.

"Hurt? Are you serious?" I stood up from the couch and got dizzy from the speed of my actions.
Parker almost immediately stood up by my side and helped my balance, placing his hands around my waist.

A small voice in my brain was telling me to move from his grasp. But every other part of me told me to never leave it. His hands were so warm they sent sparks flying through every inch of me.

"I can't stop thinking about you. And it's driving me crazy."
He looked down at me. And it was so hard for me to avoid eye contact.

"Please. Try and get over it." I whispered. A tear escaped me as I find this as the perfect time to leave while I still can. And that's exactly what I did... I left.

Why would she just leave ?!?! Why couldn't she just stay with him?!

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