Chapter 13

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Getting drunk was fun. I've never been so care free in my entire life!!
The alcohol burned when slivering down my throat, but I craved the sensation it brought me

"Hey brownie! Why don't we calm down now?" I could hear Jamey shouting down at me but I couldn't help it. People just kept handing me more and more drinks. And they tasted sooooo goooood.

I spun on my heels to see a large crowd behind me dancing to the beat of the music. Everyone looked like they were having the best times of their lives. I want that.

"Dance with me!" I shouted over to Jamey. I didn't exactly give him a chance to protest before I grabbed his hand and led him into the middle of the dance floor.

I immediately faced towards him and started dancing to the beat, but Jamey seemed stiff as hell. What's his problem?
"Jamey?! Dance!!" I shouted one last time. He still seemed very still.

I grabbed around his waist and strictly pulled him closer to me. Grabbing both of his hands, I pulled them behind me and let him hug my waist as I drug my arms up over his shoulders.

This seemed to loosen him up. Right when the beat of a new song popped up, my body started to move to a different rhythm as his body surprisingly kept up with mine.

Other than his night before I was drunk. It actually felt good to dance with him. We were Grinding our hips together as he forced me closer to him. His hands were placed firmly against my waist as he spun me around and put my back against his chest. Our bodies moved sync as the music played the beats.

Reaching back and Wrapping my arms around the back of his neck gestured for him to move closer to me, which he gladly did.

"You sure know how to move." Jamey whispered into my ear as it sent a shiver down my spine. My entire body flared with goosebumps as my tints hairs stuck up like a scared cat.

Jamey smiled at his effect on me and moved his head down to my neck. He starting giving me tiny love bites, then began to kiss my neck up and down. I leaned my neck back in pleasure as he continued

Well this feels nice...
"What the hell man!" I gasped at the sudden change in mood as I stepped away from Jamey and turned around to see Parker with a flustered look plastered across his face
"What are you doing?" He shouted at Jamey.

Jamey looked at me up and down then shook his head
"I-I'm sorry bro. I'm just drunk" he stuttered

"Yeah. And so is she" Parker pointed a very direct finger at me as I held a smile.
I don't know what I was thinking, but at the moment it's pretty damn funny... I think I saw a unicorn by the punch bowl, I really wanted to go say hi.

Before I knew it. I felt strong hands secure themselves on my waist as I was lifted into the air and over someone's shoulder. I knew it was Jamey, because Jamey wasn't this tall, and because he was standing right in front of me as I was carried out of the party

"H-heyyyy!!!! I was hav-ving f-fun" I slurred, sounding like my mouth was filled with bubbles

"Yeah I noticed." The man scowled
"A little too much fun." He muttered to himself. I don't know if I was supposed to hear that or not, so we are just gonna let it pass for right now.

"Let me g-goo!!" I was so close to not stuttering on that one!

I playfully banged my fists against his very broad and muscular back.

Damn, even with a shirt on I can tell that he has a nice ass body...

"Come on." I was being put into a car as a pair of hands reached over me and buckled my seat belt for me.

The door was slammed shut the black dots started to fill my sight.
And soon corrupted it.

Parker Hayze

"Dude. I don't really feel like going to the party"

I couldn't get the look of Athies face out of my head. She looked so disappointed and upset. What did I do wrong?

I was giving her what every girl dreams of! Me!

"Bro come on. We have to go. And besides, maybe is you hook up with someone tonight, brownie will come begging for you"

"Good point tommy" I pointed at him as he nodded his head continuously

"Let's go."

We grabbed the car keys and left my house.
Thankfully the party was pretty much right down the street from my house, if I got super wasted I could just walk or something.

When we pulled up there were girls and guys everywhere, drinking and grinding on each other. Normally I would be out spotting for some hopeless chick right now, but I wasn't.

"Let's go bruh!"

I let out a sigh
"You gotta stop saying that man."
I pushed the car door open and slammed it shut as I exited the car.
Girls were already drooling over me, and had no shame in showing it. That's pretty disgusting.

"LETS GO!" Tommy shouted as he practically ran into the house.
I chuckled to myself as I followed him, not bothering to pay attention to any lingering eyes on me.

I pushed through the crowd of bodies as I struggled to keep myself away from any girls grasp.
I swear these women are vultures. They will not hesitate to attack.

I walked over to the beer keg and started to pour myself some in a cup. Just as I looked up, I saw Athena. Her brown hair was curled, just like at the football game. But more loose and wavy now. I watched as she danced on the dance floor, chugging down a cup of alcohol.

That doesn't really seem like her.
When I moved closer I noticed that she wasn't wearing the jersey with my name on it anymore.
It was the same color and design as my jersey, but instead of it saying "HAYZE" types against the back, it said "BROOKS".

He wouldn't.

I dropped my cup to the floor, not even caring about the mess I just made.
Walking closer to Athena, I could see a mans hands wrapped around her waist, pulling tightly against her. As if he owned her

What the fuck?!

I pushed through the crowd as I saw Jamey practically dry humping her and sucking on her neck like a ducking vampire. What the hell is wrong with him? She's obviously drunk and doesn't know what she's doing!

"What the hell man?"
"What are you doing?!" I shouted

Jamey's look on me widened as he realized what he was currently doing. He knows that he doesn't get like this. And he also knows that Athie is a good girl. Not some hoe that dabbles around at clubs. She's different.

"I-I'm sorry bro. I'm just drunk"

"Yeah. And so is she" I pointed at Athena with a very strong finger.

After dragging her out of the party and her being angry yet giggly at the same time, I placed her in my car and buckled her seatbelt. It's a good thing that I didn't end up drinking though, I might be an idiot sometimes but I'm a responsible idiot.

I opened my car door and knelt down to get in.
"You shouldn't be drinking that much. You could have done somethi-"
I was cut off my a slight snoring sound. I looked at Athena and saw her head hanging low from her shoulders as her lips were slightly parted and her eyes softly closed
"Huhhhh... of course you're sleeping right now" I said to myself.

I turned the car on and headed home.
My home.


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