Chapter 42

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I couldn't explain any words for yesterday. I couldn't. I had never known what college to go to, they were expensive and I never wanted to leave Ryder. But turns out, he couldn't be happier.

When I walked through the door, I was so excited to see him that I ran and jumped onto him. He was so shocked that we almost fell but luckily he caught the both of us.
I had told him about everything, start to finish, including the entire story of Parker and I.
He couldn't be happier when I finally told him about Juilliard, he was so proud and started jumping around with me.

The strange thing was, he had acted as if the story I told him including Parker and Parker's brother didn't matter. I knew it did. To him it did, because as soon as I told him, his eyes went dark but he hadn't said a word from how happy I seemed.
Yet, he said that he was going out yesterday, and he would be back soon to celebrate. But he hasn't yet.

I went through an entire school day, waiting for Ryder to text me and tell me that he is home. But he hasn't. I'm home now, constantly waiting by the  front door. I even moved one of the rocking chairs and placed right next to the door, like those movies where the kids sneak into the house and their parents are right there stroking a cat in there hands.
It would be a good laugh, if he ever came back.

I've called him about a billion times, and nothing. Not even a voicemail is set up for his phone.

Note to self: make sure he makes a voicemail box when he comes back.


My head snapped up at the thought that it could be Ryder, so I immediately ran to the door and threw it open, not expecting to see the four people standing on my porch with their arms tucked behind them.

"Hey!" They all said at the exact same time

"Tommy? Jamey? What are you both doing here?" I asked, ignoring the two other people that were with them. They seemed built, oddly familiar, but I couldn't recognize their faces.

"We were gonna ask if you had seen Parker anywhere, but I don't think you have since he doesn't look like he's here..." Tommy wondered off into my house without permission

"Well make yourselves at home why don't you." I said, then the other three boys smiled up at me, not noticing the sarcastic remark, and stepped inside, planting their asses on my couch.

"Why would Parker be here? I haven't talked to him since the homecoming ball."

"Well yeah, but we thought he gave into you already." The two random boys said, opening my fridge and digging through whatever we had.

"Uh, who are they?" I pointed to the two strangers in my house

I heard the fridge door slam shut, and then the two boys looked at me as if I had just shot them.
"You don't remember us?" One of them spoke.
The other simply put his hand over his heart and started to act dramatic

"Oh, sorry." Jamey spoke
"Those two are the ones who 'kidnapped' you when Parker was gonna ask you to the dance." He said. Then pointed to the two.
"That is Rick, and that is Nathan. They are both in our gang."

I nodded my head, I shouldn't have been surprised that they are in a gang. It seems as if everyone on the football team at my school was in some sort of gang, it seemed as if everyone in this town was in a gang. I wouldn't even be surprised if Angie was in a gang!!
Actually... I would.
Please don't let that be true...

"How many more people are in your gang?" I asked, looking in between Jamey and Tommy, but mostly Jamey.

"Only five." Jamey spoke up first.
"Parker, Me, Tommy, Rick, And Nathan."

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