fall for me, felix.

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"How do you like your ramen? With gochujang and gochugaru?" I teased him as I placed a serving of noodles on a bowl. I showed him the spoon I am holding, filled with gochujang. I like spicy food but this little kid right here doesn't.

"Ya! Stop! No!" He exclaimed, running towards me and grabbing the spoon. He took the plate away from me. "Now I'm scared of tasting your dishes, Kat."

"Then don't eat it! Picky!" I flicked his forehead. "I know it's not good to eat super spicy food when drinking. You're cute but you're so picky!"

He fliched. "Why am I picky? I just don't like spicy food!" he said, grabbing a spoon and tasting the ramen. Then he ate another spoonful when he realized it's not spicy. "And I ain't drinking!"

I placed the platter of sliced bananas, kiwis, strawberries, and mangoes beside a plate of bulgogi.

"But if you ask me, I'll always pick you." he grinned mischievously when he saw my reaction. My cheeks feel hot. I covered them with my hands.

"Felix!" I complained.

"What?" he chuckled, taking a piece of bulgogi with his chopsticks. "Okay I'll stop! Come here! Let's eat! I don't want to drink warm beer!" he offered me the stool beside him and placed a cold bottle of beer in front of me.

I have really low alcohol tolerance, but one bottle won't hurt.

"So, what's bothering you?" I asked, munching on a strawberry. He'd never ask me to "drink" with him if he doesn't have something that's bothering him.

He shook his head, a piece of strawberry inside his mouth. That's weird. He took a gulp from his banana milk and checked his phone, smiling to himself. "If I'd known you'd just face your phone, then I should've just stayed at home."

I drank while I waited for him to finish typing. I feel a little light-headed, but I am still aware of my surroundings. I ate a few more bulgogi. It tastes so good.

"Jinah's asking how I am. I just texted her back," he says, placing his phone on top of the table. He laid his chin on his hand and asked me, "How did you and Minho date? How did he show him he likes you? How was your relationship before he fucked up?"

I sent him a blank stare. "Why are you asking me that? I am the one who's supposed to ask you--"

He shrugged. "I wanna know."

"Well..." I started. He was watching me. I am used to him watching me, but this time I feel a little self-conscious, especially because he's asking me those kinds of questions. "He's...sweet. Really sweet. He always looks out for me and is super clingy. If we don't see each other in one day, he'd throw tantrums on the phone and complains about how he misses me so much...it made me happy."

He nodded. He didn't say anything.

"Date? Hmm..." I said, "We'd watch movies at his place. We'd stay up til dawn to watch the sky at his rooftop. He'd sing for me or read to me while caressing my hair...and then I'll fall asleep on his chest and we'd wake up to mosquito bites." I smiled, remembering those times. Ah, my head's starting to pound. I stuffed my mouth with mangoes and kiwi.

"Have you ever...shared a kiss?" He asked it nonchalantly, his eyes far away.

"O-of course. But nothing more than that--" I was cut off when his phone beeped. He picked it up and I watched him as he smiled at his phone. It annoyed me. I harshly took his phone from his hand and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, he smells so good.

He looks flustered. "Kittykat, you're drunk. How low is your alcohol tolerance? You just drank 5% alcohol and now you're like jelly?"

I almost dropped myself off the chair, if Felix hadn't held my waist. "Woah, woah, hold on," he whispers.

"You smell so good, Felix," I muttered, sniffing his neck.

"Yeah I know. C'mon, let's get you to bed. You can stay til you're over that drunk state," he chuckled and guided me. Where? I don't know.

"Fall for me, Felix..." I blurted out, my eyes starting to close.

He just giggled.

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