special: satan's spawn, seungmin

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[third person point of view]

Nine guys are walking around the zoo one day. It was a normal, sunny summer day. They were having fun, but really, you'll never know when misfortune decides to fuck it up.

Well, first off, Changbin insisted that he should bring Gyu while they roamed around the zoo...and he ended up losing him. They looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the plushie, but it's just too impossible. "I trusted you with him, Seungmin! Why would you do this to me!" Changbin says, frustrated.

Seungmin giggles. "Ya, hyung, he's your kid so you should've taken extra measures to take care of him."

"If you hate me, don't drag Gyu into this!" Changbin complained, walking faster as he looked around, muttering he's so young and he can't be missing just like that!

"Maybe Gyu hates you too Binnie hyung!" Seungmin teased him. "That's why he went off somewhere!"

Changbin completely ignored Seungmin as he walked, almost running, faster away from them. Jisung saw Changbin get a piece of paper from his pocket, but then directs his attention towards a security guard.

This is bad. Children are literally everywhere right now, Felix thought, getting a little worried because he knew how much his hyung loved that bundle of cotton. Chan still doesn't know any of this ruckus yet, because he went to get all of them some snacks.

Woojin and Jeongin went to the lost and found booth near the entrance, which was far away from where they are, so the six of them were left to also help and look for Gyu.

"Where's Binnie?" Hyunjin suddenly asks, turning his head.

They all stared at each other, like one of them might be hiding Changbin inside their pockets but...Changbin was missing, too. "What? We lost him too?" Felix asks, exasperated. "Oh my god," he says in English.

"Where could he have gone to?" Jisung asks, looking worried.

"Can we contact his ph--oh shit. It's with me," Felix says, face-palming when he realizes he has Changbin's phone in his pocket. He should've given it back after they took lots of selfies together.

Hyunjin groans. "Damn, what should we do now that Changbin's also gone?"

"I'll contact Chan hyung, see if he can do something about it," Seungmin offered, but really, he feels like exploding with laugher as he punched in Chan's number. It rang, and Chan answered in a second.

"Come over here. Burgers are ready--"

"Chan hyung! We've got good news and bad news. Bad news, Changbin lost Gyu. But the good news is, we lost Changbin as well," Seungmin says with a devilish laugh at his phone.

"That's both bad news, Seungmin!" Felix pouts.

"What the fuck? What happened?" Chan asks, panicked. Seungmin explains that he forgot Gyu was sitting beside him on one of the benches, and when they came back to get him, he's gone. Then, he explains their little argument, and also losing Changbin. "Call him!" Chan exclaims.

"His phone's with Felix, though..."

Seungmin can literally hear Chan's facepalm through the phone. "What kind of misfortune do we have today...oh god. Come over here and let's talk about how we'd deal with this," Chan groaned.

He then dropped the call, sighing. Idiots, he thought.

Felix and Hyunjin are asking people around the zoo. They showed a group of four children, no more than 10 years old, a picture of Changbin.

"We're on a family trip, oppa," a little girl with curly pig tails and bangs tells Hyunjin, who has both his hands on his hips, looking stressed, "and we should go back to the park because our mom and dad are waiting for us." Felix crouches over them and shows the picture of Changbin, holding Gyu.

"Have you seen this guy, children?" Hyunjin asks with a charming smile.

Minho purchased a cotton candy from a passing cart, and snickers, "He's short and his face is shaped like a cone."

The kids shook their heads in unison, a chubby-looking boy wearing overalls saying, "No, hyung-ssi. Sorry."

"How about the plushie?" Felix asks, pointing at Gyu in the photo.

The children shakes their head yet again.

"Is he your friend? He looks scary," a little girl who looks really identical with the one with pigtails says, pointing at Changbin. Ah, twins.

"He looks dark," a boy wearing glasses says, looking at Changbin's photo. Minho stifles a laugh, overhearing the conversation. He walks over, eating the rest of his pink cotton candy with a hand in his pocket, Seungmin laughing alongside him, amused both by the conversation and the fact that Changbin is missing.

Felix nodded. "Yes, he is our friend. Thank you, kids. Go and enjoy the rest of your trip. Bye!"

Felix's smile turned downwards when the children ran off. "What could've happened to Changbin hyung. He's not used to riding public vehicles, you know he's always using his car or his dad's car or hitching rides with us..." he worriedly asks.

"He's so short--we don't know if we can still see him. Maybe someone stepped on him or something," Seungmin says, stifling a laugh.

"Come on. Chan hyung says we should meet up with him at the burger stall," Jisung says, reading Chan's message. His phone dinged, indicating a new message popped up. "Oh! Chan hyung says Binnie hyung's there!"

The all ran off to the burger stall, and saw Jeongin, Woojin, Changbin and Chan sitting there, eating fries. Changbin was clutching something in his chest, and..."YOU FOUND HIM?" Felix exclaims and runs beside Changbin, who was busy eating his burger. Hyunjin follows, saying he's happy for Changbin.

"Aw, man, I should've hidden it where he couldn't see it that he'd start crying...anyway, congratulations Changbin hyung! You solved the mystery!" Seungmin says, giving Changbin a hug. Changbin rolls his eyes at him as he munched his burger.

"So it was you!" Jisung gasped dramatically, his hand over his mouth.

Jeongin cringed. "It was not difficult to guess."

They all looked puzzled. "What mystery are you talking about?" Woojin asks Seungmin, wearing a bear head band.

"This spawn of satan right here hugging me formulated a plan to hide Gyu within this zoo, with the help of zoo keepers, just to make fun of me. I had to pay the zoo keeper to speak up!" Changbin grumbles, hugging Gyu to his chest. "Don't do that again, spawn."

"No one can stop me~" Seungmin sang, grabbing a handful of fries.

"Eat, everyone, before I change my mind and make you pay for your food," Chan says, massaging his temples. He then gave them each a burger. "Y'all giving me a headache."

hi! im sorry for the late update lmao. i lost wifi connection for five straight days. but it's back now! thank you so much for reading! i was so surprised to see the reads increase!

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