felix caught a flu!

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"Felix got the wog!" Chris straightforwardly says as soon as I pressed answer. What the hell is wog? I flipped my laptop open and searched for it as I asked him.

"What the heck is that, Chris?" I asked, scrolling through Google. Racial or ethnic slur? What the hell is Chris talking about? Chris' voice seemed panicked, and I can't focus on looking up the definition--

"Flu, Kat. Felix caught a fucking flu--"

"Say what now?!" I say into the phone, closing my laptop shut. This time, I'm the one who cut him off. And this time, I'm the one who panicked. What the fuck. That's dangerous.

"He caught a flu!" he exclaims. "I heard from Rachel it's pretty bad--"

"Influenza?" I gasped, covering my mouth in horror. Oh my god. What did you do to have flu, Felix?

"Kat, let's go visit him. I'm getting ready. I think Binnie and Seungmin wants to go visit him, too." He hanged up. I hurriedly dressed up and went out. I tried calling Chris, but he's not answering anymore. Maybe he's there already.

After we just made up, this happens...ugh. God, Felix.

I rang the doorbell. Twice. Thrice. Then it opened and revealed Felix's mom. "Good day, Mrs. Lee," I greet her. "I came here to check on Felix."

"Oh, I would like to let you come in but you might get his sickness--it's contagious," she says.

I shook my head at her. "No, it's okay. I will just check him and see how he's doing. Please?"

She smiled. "If you say so. But be careful okay?" I nodded at her. "He's in his room."

I went up the stairs and walked towards his closed bedroom door. I knocked, and after a few seconds, it opened, revealing Felix with a face mask and a hand sanitizer on his hands. His eyes became large.

"Why are you here!" Felix told me once he sees me standing in front of his bedroom door. "I told Chris hyung to tell you I'm visiting a relative! Ugh, my head hurts," he went to his bed, massaging his temple.

"He told me he'll come here with Seungminnie and Baby Changbin?" I said. There was a table beside his bed, with bottles of energy drinks and his meds, I assume.

Damn you Chris. I should've known he's joking with me earlier! First, he didn't confirm it was an influenza. Second, I can't even see his shadow anywhere in here. And third, it doesn't look like influenza to me. Or is it?

"You might get it. Agh, damn, Chan hyung, making you come here when I told him I'm okay..." he mumbles, his brows furrowed while typing in his phone.

"Chris says you have influenza, of course I'm gonna visit you! I was so worried when he called me earlier--"

"Chan hyung's overreacting! I only have stomach flu!" His eyebrows crinkled, then held his stomach. He closed his eyes. "Ah, damn..."

"How long did you have it?" I asked him, sitting on his bed. I placed my bag beside me and felt his neck. He has a fever, his skin's so hot.

"About four days now..." he says. "Don't come too close. You might get it, Katz."

"Oh, so that was why you ditched us yesterday! I felt upset yesterday, I thought you really hung out with Jinah again..."

His eyes flipped open. "What? Who told you?"

"Channie." I said, opening the ointment container and wiped a bit of it on his temples, gently massaging it.

"That hyung, really. He really likes to mess around." I chuckled.

"Did you see the doctor?" I asked him as I placed three of my fingers across his wrist, finding his neiguan, and then, I placed my thumb on it, massaging between the tendons to relieve his nausea.

It's good that I learned this in school. Finally comes in handy.

He spoke with his eyes closed. "Yeah, mom and dad called the family doctor as soon as she found out. The doctor told me that since I'm healthy, I can recover without complications in one and a half weeks. I also have lots of medications. Antiemetics," he gestures towards the little table set beside his bed, filled with bottles of Vita500, bananas, plate of toast, and his medicine, "and I drink them on time. Even if it tastes so damn awful." He clutches his stomach again.

I nodded, relieved. "That's good to know. So...what else can I do?"

"Please make this your last visit for now. I don't want you to get this. It's terrible; the first three days I think I puked my guts out. And not to mention the--" he winced. "I better not say it."

"Okay, maybe that's all right--"

"One more thing," he said. "Be my girlfriend, noona. I searched that medicine up on Google." He gave me a teasing smile, pulling his mask down. "They say it's really effective."

I stood up and got my bag. "I think you're having a delirium, Felix. Rest a lot okay? I won't be visiting you for a while because you said so. But don't you dare ignore my calls and messages or I'll punch you in the face when you get better." I caressed his hair lightly.

He nods, smiling like a little kid. "I can't wait to kiss you after all this, Katz."

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