special: hyunjin is a hacker

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Felix really did hang out with me while I was waiting for my laundry to finish. He ordered iced coffee, asking, "how do you get yourself to drink hot coffee in this paricularly hot weather, Katz?" I rolled my eyes at him, stating that the laundromat is air conditioned and that I'm in the mood for some hot coffee, as I let Kkami sit on my lap and pet his head.

"Iced coffee is, like, 70% ice," I tell him.

"That's why it's called iced coffee, Katz," he shakes his head, as he typed away in his phone.

I shot him a glance, "I know. I'm just saying. I'd rather have their coffee shakes."

He pouted. "Ah, whatever. It's still coffee."

Just then, we saw a wild Hyunjin frantically running towards the laundromat from across the street. He entered the shop, sweating, and out of breath. "Kkami!" he calls, and Kkami jumped from my lap towards him.

"Thanks for taking care of him, Felix," he says, taking a seat beside him. He looks over at me, smiling, "Hi, noona!" I waved at him.

"Um, do they have a wifi?" He asks, looking around. He's hugging Kkami and they look so cute.

I nodded. "Yeah, the girl on that counter types it in your phone when you order."

"Ah, I don't have money--"

"I'll let you borrow--" Hyunjin cut Felix off.

"No! Your interest is high! No way! I'll just have to..." he gave Kkami to Felix. Then, he took his laptop out from his bag and opened it, clicking on some apps and typed I don't know what. He then took his phone out.

"Are you doing it again?" Felix asks as he watched him, while he sipped his iced coffee and cradled Kkami in his other arm.

Hyunjin nods, but he's focused on what he's doing, until...they looked at each other and high-fived. "Did it!"

"What did you do?" I asked, scooting closer towards then and taking a look...oh no they didn't...

"You hacked their wifi?" I asked, my voice low.

He nods smugly. "Minho hyung taught me."

"Hyunjin is a hacker, noona." Felix says.

fix it, felixWhere stories live. Discover now