fleshy felix!

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"I want to go the the food park, Katz." Felix calls me while I'm in the middle of washing my clothes at the Laundry Project. Why would he want to go to the food park again?

Kat, do you really have to ask that question? I sighed.

I placed the second batch of my dirty clothes in another machine, closed it, and pressed start. I watched as my clothes go round and round, the machine filled with water and bubbles.

"So do you wanna get obese or something? Felix, we've been eating at food parks and burger shops and restaurants for weeks? What's your plan now?" I asked, my hand on my temple. I don't know if I should laugh at him or not.

I can hear his pout and whiny voice through the phone. "I just wanna hang out with my girlfriend...."

Fuck. Suddenly I can't find my voice. I feel like my face is super red (and the weather's super hot!) My heart throbbed wildly in my chest and I felt like I need air. I went out the laundromat and tried to conceal my smile. "Ya, I'm still not your girlfriend--"

"Wae!" he whined, yet again.

I covered my mouth with my hand. "I'm not, aren't I?"

"Ah, you're so annoying, noona. How many times do I have to tell you that I like you so much?" he asked, frustrated. I fought the urge to laugh.

"Ya, you're such a kid. Come over here and let's have some coffee and pastries, all right?"

"Okay." He says. I went into the laundromat's cafe, while still waiting for my laundry to finish. It really takes a long time and I usually just hang around in the lounge or have some choquettes or croissants.

"Where are you?" he asks.

"I'm doing laundry, at Laundry Project. At Yongsan-gu, you know where that is, right?" I asked. Of course he knows, because he has been living in Korea for years now...

"Uh-huh. I usually go there with Rachel," he says.

"Okay, see you in a few. I'm gonna hang up now," I told him and hanged up. I ordered coffee and found a place by the window; a high chair facing outside, giving me a pretty view of the street outside. I was sipping coffee as I got advantage of their free wifi when a certain shadow from outside blocked the sun.

I looked up to see Felix, with Hyunjin's dog, Kkami, outside, smiling at me. His smile is brighter than the sun, to be honest.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He shrugged. Then, gave me a flying kiss. What the hell. "I love you. Let's hang out!"

Then, I watched as he walked inside the cafe. Kkami ran towards me, asking for a pet. I did pet him, crouching down the floor. Felix took my hand and pulled me up. "What?" I asked. Fuck I feel nervous. Something in his eyes makes my heart beat faster.

He hugged me. "Why is Kkami with you?" I asked him, curious.

"Ah, I came here for you but you paid more attention to Kkami," he complained, but answered my question anyway, "I'm looking after him because Hyunjin's busy for the day and no one was left to take care of him...." I can hear his whiny and pouty voice again and I can't help but to giggle.

"Felix, you're getting fleshy and squishier! Thicc," I joked, pinching his cheeks.

He smiled. "I love you Katz."

"Stop that," I tell him.

"Okay, I love you." He kissed my forehead and said, "Yeochin."

I laughed. "You really went here for that? Namchin?"

"Mmhmm..." he hummed.

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