finally, felix!

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Three days since that day. Ugh, Felix. How can you be so stubborn? He still hasn't talked to me. I tried calling and texting him once, but he still hasn't replied. This guy even turned his phone off. I don't know what to feel about this, actually. He's unusually acting weird. I mean...yes, he's weird (in a really good way), especially when he's with his whole squad, but this weird now, is different. I know he's really upset about Minho and his actions towards me, how he suddenly wanted us back together after playing with my feelings, but I can't help but feel like there's something hidden between Felix's actions.

Felix, what the hell is wrong with you?

I'm also worried about how he's doing. Even if Rachel and his mom assures me that he's fine, not sick or anything. I mean, we almost always spends our days together, and we may fight sometimes, but we always made up before the day ends.

I'm going crazy if I just stay and wriggle around in bed and think about this. Him. And the other him. I groaned and scratched my head. That's it.

I can't take this anymore.

I checked the clock and it's already 5 PM. I have an idea. I stood up and fixed myself, wore a simple shirt and shorts (so I can easily move around) and I wore a pair of rubber shoes I use whenever I run.

After that, I went out and grabbed a taxi to Felix's. You won't face me? Then I will make you face me.

As soon as I got out of the taxi and paid, I took a deep breath, staring at his house. This is almost my second house, so I know all the secret shortcuts. Though I might get caught by Olivia or Rachel...or even Felix himself. But that would be okay. Worst case scenario would be if a neighbour or a passerby catches me and decides to report me to the police. Even if the sun's about to set, I still need to be careful if I really wanted to talk to Felix and see how heMs doing.

I looked around. There are no people. I even checked his neighbours' windows, to make sure. I went beside his house, then, tried to unfold the emergency ladder quietly, but failed. I stopped to look at his window at the second floor.

After a few minutes, I decided to climb up after securing my phone inside my pocket. The ladder's kinda rusty, and somehow creaks, but I quickly and carefully climbed up until I reached the side of their veranda. I reached out for the veranda's railing, then placed my foot on the edge. "Shit.." My phone almost went out of my pocket, damn. But I need to hold on tightly and watch my every move. One wrong step and not only my phone would drop.

With all my strength, I pulled my body towards the veranda, swinging my feet up, and finally landing inside. My heart has been pounding so much and my fingers kinda burn, but I fought the urge to laugh because that was my first time trespassing and it was a wicked experience. I then remembered I should not be seen, so I hurriedly crouched and hid myself from the glass door. The door's open just a little, and there was no noise inside. Usually, when I visit him, I'd hear some music, or I'd hear his TV, but it's quiet.

"That's odd..." I whispered.

I stood up once again, and slowly pushed the glass door open, when it fucking opened on its own and Felix went out, with his phone on his ear, then, my phone rang in my pocket so loudly. "Ah!" Felix looked extremely shocked seeing me there in his veranda, he grabbed the railing as he saw me, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape. I stared back at him, while still on the floor, my phone still ringing in my pocket.

It has been over a minute before he finally spoke up. He turned the call off, and my phone stopped ringing. "Bloody hell, Kat--"

"I know, I-I'm sorry for trespassing..." I said, suddenly ashamed. I missed Felix. Really really missed him. I dropped my head, and suddenly tears are forming in my eyes.

"No, dummy. Blimey, why would you do that? Is this my new front door now? That's dangerous." he crouched down beside me and pulled me towards him. I can't resist the urge to hug him back, and there, I cried in his arms. I was overwhelm with relief and my emotions were everywhere. I missed his scent.

"Finally, Felix, you talked to me..."

He chuckled lightly, caressing my head.

fix it, felixWhere stories live. Discover now