special: jisung was jabbed?!

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The eight of them are huddled (and are elbowing each other) behind a wall. "Ah, Binnie, let me see, let me see!" Minho whispered, struggling to catch a glimpse of Felix and Kat. Sure, it still hurts him every now and then, but seeing Kat happy made him realize that Felix really is the one for her.

"Aish, you're just jealous. Still," Changbin grunts, mumbles under his breath.

"Hah, as if..." Minho whispers, staring at Kat, and shaking his head. Minho's weight is heavy on Changbin's back, and Changbin's about to lose it--he swatted Minho's hand away.

"Ya, Minho, I'm also watching and it's so hard to move! All our places are critical here while watching a live K-drama so you're not the only one who feels burdened, you know!"

"Of course I know! I just told you to move a little bit because I wanna see them!  You're blocking the view!" Minho whispered, shooting daggers at Changbin with his eyes. Jisung was standing on his tippy toes as he held for support on Minho and Chan's shoulders. He then gave up, and went to crouch down low beside smiley Jeongin.

"Just admit you're jealous," Jisung teases Minho as he went beside Jeongin.

"I am not!" Minho answers back.

"Stop talking!" Woojin hushes them.

"What? Changbin hyung is now tall enough to block a view? Congratulations~" Seungmin, the one beside Changbin, says, chuckling, while he is crouched down, and behind him was Hyunjin, holding on to his shoulders.

"What the fuck, can y'all please keep quiet? I can't hear a thing from them because you can't keep your mouths shut!" Chan says.

"Chan hyung-ah, why is Felix hyung avoiding her?" Jeongin asks curiously, watching Kat cornering him into a wall. Jeongin looks up at Chan. The eight boys compressed together, surprised of Kat's move.

Ah, this is unexpected, Chan says in his mind.

Chan, supporting his weight on his knees, shakes his head. "You know Felix. He can't help but to be shy from time to time." Especially now that Kat is doing this, oh Felix is so flushed, Chan thought to himself, smiling as he watched the two.

Now, Changbin found a great place to watch them: over Jisung's shoulder. He hovered over Jisung's shoulder, as he supported his weight on both Jeongin's and Jisung's shoulders.

"Isn't that because of what happened last week? When he suddenly barged into your house while we were all watching Netflix, Chan hyung?" Hyunjin asks.

Chan giggled. "Maja, maja."

"Oh! When he went there all bashful!" Jisung added.

"Like his face right now~" Woojin adds. Felix has his eyes closed as Kat continued to talk to him.

They couldn't hear what they were talking about, but they were pretty sure it was about Felix's avoidance. "Don't call me that! Hajima!" Felix's voice suddenly becomes loud as he turned red.

Changbin then moved closer to watch closely, but Jisung abruptly stood up to stretch his numb legs, and Changbin hit his chin on Jisung's shoulder. Before Jisung and Changbin could make a noise, Woojin and Chan reached over, and clasped their hands on their mouths.

"Shh!" Chan shushes, and looked at Kat and Felix but they were still talking to each other.

"Why? Why?" Kat asks, poking Felix's cheek.

"I feel so damn flustered, Katz and it's driving me crazy!" Felix says once again.

"Ah, so that's the reason right?" Kat teased him, giggling. "Aw, Felix is flustered~ What a cutie~ I love you so much baby!"

"Oof," Seungmin says, looking at Minho with a grin.

"Ah! Stop it, noona, my heart feels like it's jumping out of my ribcage and I'm shaking so hard because you're making me feel so fucking flustered! God! You don't know how much I love you!" Felix exclaimed.

"You good, Minho hyung?" Hyunjin asks. Minho rolled his eyes at them.

"Why are y'all asking about Minho when I was just jabbed by Binnie hyung!" Jisung says exasperatedly.

Changbin gasped. "You little--"

"You stabbed me Changbin hyung!" Jisung says, massaging his shoulder. Seungmin fought the urge to laugh, but Hyunjin and Jeongin are laughing into their hands.

"Okay, let's go we should probably leave now," Chan says, pulling them one by one away from the scene.

"Jisungie, are you okay? Do you want me to call the doctor?" Minho asks, giggling while looking at Changbin.

They walked into the living room and went to sit at their favorite places. "The stab seems pretty deep, oh Jisung that looks bad!" Chan snickers, earning a laugh from the maknaes.

"It seemed very sharp, doesn't it! Jisung got jabbed by a sharp object! Jeongin, we should get the first aid kit!" Seungmin adds.

"Yes, go and clown me," Changbin says, looking at them emotionlessly, "I'll all stab you in your sleep."

"Call the cops!" Woojin exclaims, as they all laugh at poor Binnie.

Felix then enter the room and the laugh dies down. His face still looks red. "What's up with you guys?" he asks. His eyes land on Changbin and says, "W-wait, did y'all make Binnie hyung upset?"

"Jisung got jabbed because of Changbin!" Hyunjin exaggeratedly explains, as Jisung clutches his shoulder dramatically and Minho has his arms wrapped protectively around him.

"What? You did that? How? Why? Wh-what..."

"Don't exaggerate. No one stabbed no one in here," Changbin says with an eye roll.

"Hyung...?" Felix says, puzzled, looking at Chan.

Chan gestured a cone shape under his chin. Something clicked in Felix's mind and he immediately got it. "Oh~" he says followed by a laugh.

"I hate y'all." Changbin mutters.

sorry i love clowning binnie shsgshs sorry baby changbin😂💘

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