V1:E10-Burden 2

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Weiss had her combat stuff on. And her teammates were cheering for her.

Weiss: "Ruby! I'm trying to focus!"

Ruby: "Sorry..."

Port: "Alright... Let the match... Begin!"

When he said begin, he cut off the lock of the grimm cage. Inside revealed a boartusk. The boar charged at Weiss but she dodges and slashed at it. The armor the grimm had made the slash ineffective.

Port: "Ho ho! Weren't expecting that were you?"

Ruby: "Hang in there Weiss!"

Weiss then tried the head on approach when it charged at her, but only achieved in getting her weapon stuck on it's tusks.

Port: "Oh! A bold approach!"

Ruby said something that distracted Weiss and resulted her losing her weapon and being pushed back.

Port: "ho ho, what will you do with out your weapon?"

As he said that, the boar charged at her again but she dodges and runs for her weapon and grabbed it.

Ruby was telling Weiss something but she got angry.

Weiss: "Stop telling me what to do!"

The boar was rolling to weiss but she blocked with her glyph, then used another glyph to launch her a little bit up and then another glyph to propel herself forward and killed it by stabbing it's stomach.

Port: "Bravo! Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress in training! I'm afraid that's all the time we have today. Be sure to cover the assigned reading and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed."

Weiss then walked off, clearly angry.

Lata: "Woah... She seems moody."

Rog: "Obviously."

All of you got up and walked together.

Lata: "Well, moving on, I think we should further acquaint ourselves!"

Y/N: "How? Isn't knowing each others names enough?"

Lata: "Of course not! I say we start out by telling our weapons, its names, if it has one, and what it can do! I'll go first!"

Luma: "D-Doesn't this seem pointle-"

Lata: "I have a war hammer that can turn into a rocket launcher! Its name is Bang! It's one of my most prized possessions! I named it Bang because that's the sounds it makes when I shoot rockets or hit stuff! Your turn Luma!"

Luma: "O-Oh... W-Well, I have this, uh, mage staff, b-but it's also a sniper... I-I named it Vermillion... Because I remember hearing the name and thought it was n-nice..."

Lata: "Awesome! I really like its name too! Rog!"

Rog: "I have myself two axes that can also turn to smgs. I named them Bob and Bob Jr. I gave the names because I didn't have any ideas but I wanted to name my weapons.

Lata: "Haha! Cool! What about you, Terumi!?"

Y/N: "I have myself one almighty butterfly knife. I didn't give it a name."

Lata: "That's it?! Oh well. You seem good in a fight so I guess it's ok. Now then! Semblances!"

Luma: "W-Wh-"

Lata: "My semblance is!... Well, I don't if it has a name but I like to call it armor up! It increases my physical resistance, but makes me slower. I don't use it that much because the slow makes me unable to hit anything. Rog!"

Rog: "My semblance can make me summon shards that I can use to hit enemies with. I don't use my semblance that often because it exhausts me. I don't know if it has a name."

Lata: "Nice! Luma?"

Lata: "M-My semblance is spell glyphs... I-I can use it to summon spells... I know four right now, b-but I'm seeing if I can learn more. I-I use my semblance a lot..."

Lata: "Cool! Terumi, what's yours?"

Y/N: "Huh? Mine is a chain with a snake head. I use it often."

Lata: "Neat! Oh what about favorite colors!? Mine's orange!"

Y/N: "You've already asked this to me."

Lata: "Probably, but the rest don't know! And you can't back out! This is a team bonding exercise!"

She huffed.

Y/N: "Tch. Mine's F/C."

Rog: "My favorite color is brown."

Luma: "M-Mine's blue..."

Lata: "Ok, now-!"

Y/N: "Now, we go to the dorm."

(A/N: Not much to say. Feel free to comment and point out mistakes.)

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