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"The beginning is always today

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"The beginning is always today..."
<Park Jimin>

The sky is sea blue, the cloud is cotton white, the flowers are the gorgeous pink sakura and the breeze is refreshing. Nothing can be compared to the serene feeling where his two feet is finally had touchdown the soil of his beloved country. Years of living abroad, far from family and friends, now he is ready to begin his new life, to start afresh.

"Welcome home..."

Jimin turns his head, looking through his expensive ray ban at the tall guy standing in front of him with his most outstanding outfit, making him looking more likely a runaway model rather than a doctor. Well, it suits his life philosophy 'worldwide handsome' perfectly.

Perfect proportion of his anatomy and flawless physiognomy. He does envy at the ridiculous perfection but he too had his own trump card, nothing less to be compared of with his cousin Kim Seokjin. They had shared the same genetics though.

"Thanks, hyung..."

Seokjin wrapped his long arm on the younger shoulder, pulling him closer to his waist. "Miss you dorky..."

Jimin chuckles at the nickname. It is been a long time he hadn't heard someone calling him like that. Is it five years? Six years? Jimin shrugged as he had lost the exact count. "Miss you too hyungie..."

"I never knew you will be this handsome Jim..." said Seokjin, glancing at his cousin from the corner of his eyes. Both are now walking towards the car that he had parked earlier before running inside the arrival but later on found out that Jimin had been waiting for him at the outside of the airport. Dorky!

Jimin took out his Rayban, showing his proud smug face. "Well, people changed hyung. I'm not the same chubby dorky Park Jimin that wore the big ugly glasses and braces anymore..."

Seokjin smiles, nodded few times in agreement with the statement. "Yes, you aren't. You are the most handsome Jim Park that will sweep every girl in Seoul. So beware girls.." teased Seokjin with exaggerated hand movement.

Jimin laughed heartily, elbowing the side of Seokjin for his teasing but at the same time, it is flattering that his well known handsome cousin had acknowledged his new charming physics after years of mocking him for being fat and chubby. Jackass!

Jimin eyes widen when he saw Seokjin's luxurious car. "Woah hyung. Like fucking true??" says him excitedly, eyes scanning the red sports car, shining like a diamond, hands caressing the car like it is the most precious thing in the world.

It is Seokjin turn to show his smug face. "It so fucking true Jim..." he laughed like a windshield wiper, feeling proud at his beautiful car that makes people die with jealousy whenever he drives it to everywhere. Thanks to their rich parent.

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