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"...but wishes are only granted in a fairy tale..."
<Kim Namjoon>

Namjoon pushed the wheelchair diligently, heading towards the youth center entrance where Taehyung will be taken care of whenever he is at his workplace. It is been their routine since five years ago when Taehyung had become paralyzed due to the horrendous accident.

At the center, Taehyung will go for a therapy doing some exercise to his feet and after that will join the activities provided mostly on the skill development for people like him to be more independent.

"Kookie!!!!" shouted Taehyung out loud while waving at the younger male who just happened to pass by at the hallway. His boxy smiles appeared to be wider than usual while looking at the boy.

The guy who's nickname is 'Kookie' happily waved back to Taehyung and comes running towards Namjoon and Taehyung immediately. He had the cute bunny smiles engraved on his handsome face causing Taehyung to blush a little bit. Namjoon peeked at Taehyung with a smile, knowing that his Taehyung had liked the boy.

"Morning hyung, Tae..." said the boy to both of them.

"Morning Jungkook. You're here today?" asked Namjoon.

Jungkook nodded. "Yes. Today we will give the free treatment to the elders and we also have a talk about occupational health therapy..." explained him.

"Owh, I wish I could join you but work come first..." said Namjoon a little bit disappointed when he can't be there to gives some help as he always did. He had been doing the volunteering works at the center in his free time.

"Don't worry Joon-hyung. We will organize another seminar about the same topic end of this month. And it will be held on the weekend. It's going to be on a large scale and many medical practitioners will join it..." explains Jungkook enthusiastly. Eyes beaming beautifully when he is explaining the programme. A very energetic young boy.

Namjoon smiles wider at the information. "That's good. I'll make sure to join that..."

Jungkook nodded and he bent his knee to be at the same height with Taehyung. "So how are you doing Tae?" asked him with genuine concerned.

Taehyung blushed at the closeness. "I-I'm fine...one of my foot started to have feeling...but just for a second..." pout Taehyung.

Jungkook clapped both of his hand excitedly. "Wow, that's great. It's better than nothing right? I will check on you later okay? We will make some exercise. First, I need to see Director Hwang then I'll join you in the hall..."

Cᴏɴғᴇssɪᴏɴ ᴏғ Pᴀɪɴ | 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓙𝓸𝓸𝓷 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now