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"I never knew you were the someone waiting for me" <Kim Namjoon>

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"I never knew you were the someone waiting for me"
<Kim Namjoon>


They were kissing.

The gravity of their lips are inescapable.

It's like the moment of a total admiration. Their heart stops and they just know that in that moment the only thing that matters in the entire world to them was each other presence. It's a euphoria moment.

Both lips parted when they were gasping for an air. It was an awkward two seconds, quite and tense. Jimin look into Namjoon's brown orbs and it's almost they were speaking through their eyes. Both heart start to races more than before.

Namjoon was totally flustered. Looked into Jim Park's eyes, to the ground, to the eyes and stared, leaned in slow heart racing, butterflies. Namjoon love the look. It's like he's sitting there with the guy he like, and he look up at him and he's looking at Namjoon with such intense. His eyes say what his mouth isn't and in that moment Namjoon just know. It's that feeling where he know that he can't think of anything but kissing Jim Park. It's special and exhilarating.

When Jimin had leaned his body forward, swooping for a second kiss - Namjoon reciprocate, heart beating faster and his plump lips dancing together with Jimin. For the first time, Namjoon had felt this warm sensation tingling in his whole body, yearn for someone's touch; delicate and exquisite. And he couldn't lie to himself that he loves Jim Park's soft lips.

Not far away from the two;

"Woah...this is awkward..."

"Jungkook, just enjoy the view. Jimmy go! go!"

"Jin-hyung, you're too loud...Both will hear us..."

"Tae, they are deep into the kiss...literally both were in heaven so..."

"Oh, God! We're like a stalker here.. "

"I feel you Kookie..."

"Then both of you can go kissing somewhere..."


Namjoon and Jimin deep kissed were interrupted with the loud voices where both of them cocked their head towards the direction. There, standing three figures under the tree almost hidden but still visible. Namjoon face flushed with red that they were caught red handed. And to see Taehyung too had witnessed the kiss between him and Jim Park makes Namjoon couldn't meet the eyes of his brother. This is super embarrassing!

Jimin chuckles when Namjoon hid his bashful face under his palm. Jimin choose to ignore the three nosy-parker, eyes on Namjoon. His heart overwhelmed that now Namjoon finally let loose himself in front of him. The kiss was a bless in disguise. Namjoon will become his - he prayed for that.

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