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Please don't let me get lost in someone else's hand<Kim Namjoon>

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Please don't let me get lost in someone else's hand
<Kim Namjoon>

<The past>

When the first time he had met with the young CEO, it was in an event organized by the Byun Corp last year. Namjoon was there with Director Yu upon invitation of the company for LNC and Byun Corp future collaboration. Namjoon didn't know much of the project since it is been handled by Director Yu personally. He was there just to accompany his employer. And to be honest Namjoon didn't like to be in a crowded and public place like that. The high class event was too alien for him and Namjoon found out that he is not comfortable to be surrounded by rich people.

Director Yu was nowhere to see when Namjoon came back from the restroom. His brown orbs searching for the elder but there were too many people in the hall and Namjoon can't find him. Namjoon then decided to stand in the corner, wandering in thought of his own world. He wished that he could be going home soon, worried about Taehyung being alone in the house.

"What are you doing here?"

The voice had cut through Namjoon's daydream and he turned to look at the male. He was a petite good looking man and Namjoon quite fascinated how ethereal was the male wearing a blue velvet suit. He was taller than the stranger but Namjoon couldn't figure out the age because of his baby face look alike. Cute!

"I'm not really into this actually..." Namjoon answered the question truthfully. Head lowered to the floor, cheeks flushed with pink colour. A little bit timid to have a conversation with a stranger.

"Emmm, can't find any friend here? Making a new one, widen your business contact? This is a good oportunity in expanding the range of people you knew for your company prospect. Don't you think?"he said, sounded too keen in establishing his corporate identity. His eyes was on Namjoon's shy face and flustered at how easy the male to get embarass.

Namjoon hummed in agreement but not showing any interest to go deep for the topic. He just a regular white collar worker so he is not too enthusiast about expending contact or business like some other guest that had attended the event.

"You're socially awkward right?" he said with a soft laughs staring at Namjoon that looks more introvert. However he finds it is attractive.

Namjoon smiles and nodded shyly. "Sort of..."

"Someone cute like you will easily make friend though..."

Namjoon is flustered at the compliment, blushing profusely when he noticed that the handsome man had staring at him with a gorgeous smile.

"I'm Baekhyun by the way...So, you are with?"he said.

"Director Yu from LNC..."

Baekhyun eyebrows knitted together at the answer before he smirked realising that he will be seeing the young man frequently in the future. Byun Corp and LNC were planning for a collaboration and for the first time since the project been announced last week, Baekhyun is excited.

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