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"There's heaven, there's hell, and there's you

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"There's heaven, there's hell, and there's you. Better than heaven, worse than hell"
<Park Jimin>



Namjoon was about to eat his breakfast when the raspy voice belonged to Taehyung killed the silent. He raised his head, eyes on Taehyung that seems nervous about something. Namjoon latched his eyebrows looking at his little brother weird behaviour.

"What is it Tae?" he asked a little bit concerned. It is rare for Taehyung to be restless like that early in the morning.

"Hyung...next week is..." he was reluctant to say the next, his eyes on Namjoon hoping for his brother to understand what he was trying to say just now.

Namjoon grasped at what had Taehyung words is leading too before he nodded slowly. "Yes I know Tae..." he answerd while sighing deeply.

"Are we still... like previous years... here... you know?" muffled Taehyung ambigously but he knew his brother had already comprehend his intention.

"Tae... do you want to do that in that place?" Namjoon asked.

Taehyung shook his head in despair knowing that it was no used to propose such matter. It's hard for him but harder on Namjoon. This is not about his wish but how Namjoon will react to be in that place after five years. Isn't the reason they moved to Seoul was because Namjoon can't ever breath in the air of Daegu?

Namjoon grab his brother's hand, squeezed it lightly while staring at him lovingly, understand the struggling between his own desire and Namjoon's wellbeing.

"If... if you want it to be done in Daegu, we can go there Tae..."proposed Namjoon, in consideration with Taehyung's wishes.

Taehyung eyes beaming with happiness, smiles on his handsome face looking at his brother with excitement. "Really?"

Namjoon nodded slowly before humming his answer. "Hmmm..."

Taehyung stares at his brother in silent afterward where he realised that Namjoon's hand is shaking and his eyes were quivering out of nowhere like he was thinking something. When he get up from the seat, heading to the sink he stumbled on the table almost fell on his knees before he can balance his lanky body. He grinned in embarassment at Taehyung before putting away the half eaten breakfast into the dustbin and washed the plate.



"Let's do the memorial here as usual..."

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