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"Love didn't leave

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"Love didn't leave. Hurt moved in."
<Kim Namjoon>


<The unforgotten past>

"Why did you do that Joonie-yah!"

Namjoon could hear his mother's screaming from the passenger seat frantically but he had no energy to answer that nor to defence himself. He was too tired and his eyes almost shutting down and his eyes gaze on the car hood blankly and his ears caught Taehyung sobs. He averted his eyes towards his little brother that crying helplessly having his head on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung was holding his bleeding wrist wrapped with a white towel. The towel had been soaked with the crimson red colour and the blood had smeared Taehyung's hand too. However, Taehyung didn't seem bothered about it.

"Just hang on for a second Joonie. We will be arrived at the hospital soon..."

His father's panicking voice sounded like a gargled in his ears, feeling so distance and his vision is blurry and his throat is hoarsed like he never taste any single drop of water for days. He is thirsty now. He want to drink something cold and juicy. He wanted his father to stop somewhere where he can buy a cold nice orange juice. He is salivating at the thoughts. But he knew his father won't do that at this crucial moment. He's dying. His death is nearer than the hospital. This bumpy journey felt like hours but he can feel his father is speeding.

"Hyung....hyung....hang on..hang on..."

Taehyung's crying? For what? Oh no! He had made his precious little brother crying for him? He's not a good brother right? Namjoon tried to lift his hand to wipe those ugly tears but he was too weak. He can't moved his body at all. He was in the verge of death. His breath is heaving and his lung is strickened that he almost chokes for an air. He felt cold. It's summer but why the weather is chilling as winter? Namjoon is shivering.

"Hurry up yeobu...he's dying for God sake!!"shouted his mother.

Namjoon wanted to say it's okay. He wanted to say take it slow, no need to rush. It's dangerous. His father might got a speed ticket and of course his mother will nag at him later on. Drive carefully, appa! He wanted to voice out his concerned but he can't. There is something strangling his throat that he can't speak.

Then there is a loud banged and screaming but he can't registered what had happened. He just feels that his world is spinning, his body been slammed on back and forth in the car. He can hear his mother's screaming. He can hear his father's screaming. He can hear Taehyung's screaming too. But why? And why the car is spinning? Namjoon is confused. His whole body is aching and numb, more than what he had felt before. Now not only his wrist had bleeding but he also can feel the same red liquid running down on his face.

The car then suddenly stopped moving. Namjoon frowned. He want to ask his father whether they had arrived at the hospital but when his vision become more vivid his eyes widen at what he saw. He now had a clear view. The car was upside down with four tires on the above. There are smokes surround the car. The windows shattered into pieces. He caught a glanced of a truck outside the car that had crashed into their car. His brown orbs moved to around him, looking for something precious. He then can see his parent limp body on the front seat. There was blood all over their bodies. His mother's eyes were closed. His father's too. His heart is pulsating crazily as his breath felt so heavy.

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