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"That dimple is illegal"<Park Jimin>

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"That dimple is illegal"
<Park Jimin>


It was a week of where all medical practitioner gathers at the youth centre for a free talk, free consultation and free medical check-up. Namjoon was one of the volunteers, together with Taehyung - helping the staffs at the centre in organizing the event. Namjoon was busy entertaining the elders that came to the centre to meet with the doctors for consultation.

Taehyung watched how Namjoon had been helping one of the visitor, waiting for his turn to see the doctor. He was too deep in his own world that he didn't realised Jungkook had been staring at him with a frown.

"Are you okay, Tae?"

Taehyung startled a little bit, surprised at the sudden intervention. He tilted his head looking at Jungkook. He curved a smile towards the young therapist.

"Yeah..I'm fine..."

Jungkook follows Taehyung eyes, before his orbs stopped at the same figure that had caught Taehyung's attention. His eyebrows pucker. He averted his eyes on Taehyung once again.

"Is there something wrong?" asked him while he took a seat beside Taehyung's wheelchair. "I mean, Joon-hyung?" he emphasized further.

Taehyung flinched at the question. "Wh-what make you said so?" he asked stuttering a little bit, for unknown reason.

Jungkook smile. "You're being obvious Tae. All day you'd been hovering over your brother. You had that worried look on your face..." he stated his reasoning. Eyes still on Taehyung.

Taehyung then sighed. A worried expression plastered on his handsome face - more obvious. Jungkook watched the male with curiosity. He put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, squeezed it lightly. Trying to sooth his inner turmoil, lightened his burden - to share his concern with him.

"He seems off these past few days. I don't know but he's little bit different after he went to Daegu. I'm worried since he always bottled up his feeling..." Taehyung paused for a few second before he inhaled a deep breath and continues. "He always took all the responsibilites and the bad things to himself. Meanwhile all the good things, he will shove it to me. In the process, he got hurt but never show it and bear everything himself..." said Taehyung with agony. He tried not to shed any tears, barely holding it. But he's already sniffles and his voice is shaking.

"Have you told him about your concern?" asked Jungkook.

Taehyung shakes his head. "He will not tell me anything though..."

After the deep conversation he had with his brother that night, he was too afraid to talk about it again. Watching Namjoon to have his breakdown like that - it's hurt. Taehyung knows how Namjoon always acted strong in front of him. He had been used to see that side of Namjoon for five years. He kept telling himself; Namjoon is fine, he is okay. But he knows it's all lies. That night had proven everything.

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