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{House Of Cards : a complicated organization or plan that is very weak and can easily be destroyed or easily go wrong}

And I never knew how easy it was to be happy and sad at the same time<Kim Namjoon>

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And I never knew how easy it was to be happy and sad at the same time
<Kim Namjoon>


<The unforgotten past>

Namjoon leaned his tired body on the wall, crying and sobbing ignoring all the people that came to him, saying some encouragement and condolonces for his lost. Does that will change everything? Were those words will bring back his parent? No it didn't right? So he choose to ignore those fake words from the people that said they care but the truth is that they just don't. It's hurt. It's hurting him so much that, the person whom he thought he can count on had turned their back on him and Taehyung.

It's been a week passed from the horrendous accident that had killed his parent. Namjoon was alone arranging the memorial and burial. Taehyung still unconscious in the hospital. The doctor said he had injured his spine so bad that he might not be able to walk again. Namjoon was left with devastation. He had caused this misfortune. He had killed his parent. He had caused Taehyung to become paralysed. He is the reason of all of this suffering.

Namjoon stared at his bandage wrist. It still have some faint red colour on it. Namjoon let his tears to roll. Because of my stupidity. Because of my desire to die I had made my parent died instead. I'm sorry eomma. I'm sorry appa. Namjoon sobs loudly echoing in the small room and people that still there for a visit looking at him with sympathy. He was still young and now he had lost his parent. That was too hard to be bear by an eighteen years old boy. That's what they thought when they look at Namjoon.

The Kim's family had obliviously blaming him for the accident. Of course. Namjoon had been expected it from them. They said if Namjoon didn't foolishly cut his wrist that day none of this will be happening. His father was driving off speeding limit and he had mislooked the red light at the junction. That is when the truck had crashed on their car. It was a tragic accident.

But what makes Namjoon pissed off was the ridiculous suggestion that he need to give away Taehyung for an adoption. He needs medical care because of his current situation and Namjoon was still young to take care of his brother. It is much better if Namjoon send away Taehyung at the rehabilitation centre where they had all the required facilities to help Taehyung.

Bullshit! Namjoon shouted at his paternal and maternal uncles and aunties. He didn't asked for their help so why did they bothered to gives such absurd idea? Who said he can't be Taehyung's guardian? Taehyung is his responsibilities now. He is the reason why Taehyung end up like that so he need to redeem himself for his sins. He need no one that is too selfish for telling him to throw away his precious little brother like he is a broken chair. He will not do such thing to Taehyung.

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