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"We ignored the truth for a temporary happiness"

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"We ignored the truth for a temporary happiness"

<Park Jimin>


A month later...

"You acted like you'd lost your mind..."

Jimin raised an eyebrow at the sudden remarks. Frowning in distraught.

"What do you mean?"

"You'd been smiling all day. And when the cleaner spilled the water on your shoes you were giggling Jimmy!" spats Yoongi.

Jimin tsked. "So you want me to fire her?"

"Not that stupid. What I meant is that you're acting weird after your dated Joon. And it's been a month already Jim..."

Jimin stuck out his tongue playfully. "What? Now it's a sin for me to be happy?" he asked sarcastically.

Yoongi groaned. "Yeah, happy like a high school student fell in love for the first time...So cringy...but whatever Jimmy. You are crazy after all!"

"And you acted like you're working at circus Min Yoongi!" he said, eyes narrowed down directly at his petite cousin with the new mint green hair look.

A loud laugh erupted in the room from the male, making Jimin to huff in irritation at his annoying laughter. What a nuisance!

"Yah, this is a new trend Jim Park. You should dye your hair too. Emmm, pink maybe?" proposed Yoongi further with his signature gummy smile.

Jimin rolled his eyes at the absurd suggestion, didn't take it seriously as he knew the elder was teasing him. "It's crazy hyung. We're not an idol. We were working in a corporate world. Such colour didn't suit us. Our investors will take us as a joke. A joker in this serious world..." said Jimin, lamenting his concerned about Yoongi easy going attitude.

Generally, he had no objection at Yoongi's attire. There were some times he will wear his blazer with T-shirt and jeans at work but still he had a decent look - a black hair then. Two weeks ago, suddenly the elder came to the office with a new striking green hair - causing a stir in the office. And of course, fifteen minutes later an extraordinary general meeting had been held. Just because Director Min Yoongi's green hair. The board didn't satisfied with the new look, urging the male to dye back his hair to black. Which, of course been totally ignored by Yoongi like a badass. Lucky that he's the heir of LNC, as such the boards can't argue further about it.

It's Yoongi turn to roll his eyes. "I don't care at all Jimmy. As much as I hate to sit behind the desk for the whole my life, I wanted to show to my father my rebellious side. Until and unless he let me pursue my dream as a rapper and a composer..." he said adamantly.

Jimin sighed. "And he still opposed to that?"

"What do you think? He's a sixty years old typical korean parent. Music has no future or can bring any fortune. Maybe I need to show him Rap Monster's speech at the UN recently..."said Yoongi.

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