²⁵•이십 오• ᵀʰᵉ ᴹᵒᵒᵈ ᴼᶠ ᴸᵒᵛᵉ

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All I know,All I have ever needed to know is that,If you offered me your hand,I would take it<Kim Namjoon>

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All I know,
All I have ever needed to know is that,
If you offered me your hand,
I would take it
<Kim Namjoon>


Namjoon was stupefied.

He's dumbfounded and he was at word's lost.
He can't say anything as he didn't know how to describe his feeling right now. Is this for real?

First, he was flabergasted when Jim Park had picked him up wearing a nice dark blue suit for their first dinner date. When he tried to excuse himself to change his casual attire, Jim Park said he looks so cute and no need to change. Well, he believes as such until both of them arrived at the fancy and elegant french restaurant. There, he realised for the second time that he really didn't wore a proper dress code.

He shouldn't listened to Jim Park earlier. Namjoon regretted his decision. But once again Jim Park just shoved away his embarassment, dragging him to the restaurant eventhough the waiters there doesn't look happy with it. Jim Park is the executive member of the restaurant so no one can say anything - afraid to lose a rich customer.

But still Namjoon feels really awkward. Basically he just wore a plain black T-shirt with beige colour cardigan and matched it with a light brown long pants. He even wore his favourite converse shoes, apparently in red colour. He was too loud for such an elegant restaurant. He became the eye-catch of another customers, looking at him with a furrowed eyebrows - maybe saying something bad about his plain appearance.

Second, Namjoon's brown orbs widen when he saw the list of the cuisine in the thick menu. Not that the food looks really tasty but the price was super expensive to be compared with a regular restaurant. It was absurd and ridiculous. Why you need to pay triple for a pasta when you can get the same with a cheaper price? But Namjoon only could protested inside his head, says nothing when he glanced at Jim Park who looks so calm flipping the menu. As if he didn't bother at all with the price tag.


Jimin lifted his head, looking at Namjoon with his beautiful smile. "Yes?"

Namjoon put down the menu, quite nervous to exchange the stare with Jim Park. But he need to voice out his concerns right now. He clears his throat before he speak his mind. "Emm, I... I didn't know that we were going to have dinner here, so... so I didn't bring enough cash... and..."

Jimin frowned looking at Namjoon. "Cash? For what, hyung?" he asked in confussion.

"You know...we need to split the bill and..." Namjoon halted when Jim Park suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. He stares at the younger with a little bit anger, pouting his lips that Jim Park seems making fun of him for having limited cash to pay for the food.

"It's not funny, Sir!"

Jimin tone down his laughed when he noticed that Namjoon is now mad at him, especially when the elder purposely called him 'Sir' to show his dissatisfaction. His face darkened, eyes narrowed down at the younger.

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