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"I told the stars about you"<Kim Namjoon>

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"I told the stars about you"
<Kim Namjoon>


<The unforgotten past>

"Hey have you heard about it?"

"That nerd, Park Jimin had committed suicide last night!"

"He was too sad that Namjoon rejected his love."

"Some said he cut his wrist"

"Some said he overdose the sleeping pills"

"His parent had took his body to the Seoul. They want to bury him there..."

"How could someone like him can make an innocent boy to commit suicide?"

Namjoon's leg wobbled when he strolled into the school hallway hearing all the whispering and murderous stares of all the student, blaming him for the death of Park Jimin. He chokes for an air, couldn't hold any longer before he sprinted his leg and run as fast as he can to the hills nearby the school. He didn't care about the class or school anymore, he just need to lash out the burden that strickened in his heart.

When he reached the bench where he and Jimin used to sit, his eyes had been overflown with tears and he fall to the ground on both of his knees. Namjoon screamed out loud from his lung, tugging his shirt for the unbearable pain in his chest. He shouted Jimin's name over and over again, hoping that Jimin could hear his voice in the heaven as if he could bring back the dead to alive.

"Jimin!!!!!!!!! Jimin!!!!!!!!!"he shouted until his throat felt sore and hoarsed.

He curled to himself, his forehead almost touched the dirty ground but he didn't care at all. Jimin is dead! Jimin is dead! Jimin is dead???

"Park Jimin!!!!!"he shouted again while crying.

Namjoon sobs, ignoring the burn in his eyes and the runny nose. "Jimin-ah....Jimin-ah...I'm sorry....I'm sorry Jimin-ah...This is all my fault! It's all my fault! Jimin-ah....."

Namjoon clucthed on the sand into his hand, crying while muttering Jimin's name harbouring his sorrow that now Jimin is gone and he no longer can mend the mistakes he had done to the younger. He didn't expect for Jimin to commit suicide after the rejection. No. He was not going to reject Jimin's confession at the first place, feeling overwhelmed that the chubby and dorky Minnie had liked him. He had read the confession letter over and over again with overjoyed, excited that their feeling are mutual. He was get ready to reciprocate the love by the end of the day.

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