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"When I say, 'I'm sorry,' it's because I regret something"<Park Jimin>"

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"When I say, 'I'm sorry,' it's because I regret something"
<Park Jimin>"

<A week later>


According to the Cambridge dictionary, regret means a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong or about a mistake that you have made, and a wish that it could have been different and better.

Yes. That is what Jimin being going through right now. And it is killing him softly. Day by day. On every second. Like his heart been pricked by thousands of needles. It's hurt. It's painful. He was in the verge of dying. Literally. He admitted that he had made a grave mistakes. He was afflicted by his own action. And it was something that you can't easily forget by a simple forgiveness. He wished he'd acted differently and acted more serene. But NO. He was stupid.

If he was to reckon on his behaviour towards Namjoon for the past days, nothing is justfying the ill-treatment he had done. He thought he was being rationale to treat the elder like that. He thought he was being fair to humiliate the elder. He thought he had the significant to be as cruel as he wished. He kept telling himself, he's doing this because of the revenge. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. The retribution is for a justice. He thought he'd been doing so. But NO.

This is a grave situation because it's involves the broken heart. Both were broken by the cruel fates. Jimin and Namjoon. Jimin thought Namjoon didn't love him. He thought Namjoon was making fun at him. He resorted a suicide because he couldn't take all the humiliation cause by Mark and Jackson. He thought Namjoon too had his shares. His stupid conscience had betrayed him!

He never knew Namjoon loves him. He never knew Namjoon's going to confess. He never knew Namjoon'd thought he was dead. He never knew Namjoon'd resorted to suicide because of him. He never knew Namjoon's parent died in the horrifying accident. He knew nothing about the elder but he thought he is the one who had been suffering a lot. Which he was proven wrong. Nothing can be compared with what had Namjoon's been bearing with for the past five years.

"I'm doing this for your own good Park Jimin. So don't come at me, blame me for everything when I had make your life better for the past five years!"

Jimin looks at his mother with wrath and hatred. His mother was the main perpetrator to all this entangled mass. She was the reason why he had been living with full of lies. She was the reason why he had been hating Namjoon for all this while. He hates her! He knew he shouldn't but he just did.

"Why did you asked the doctor to fake my death mom? Everything was in a mess right now and I didn't know how to settle all this problems without hurting other people!" he said with frustration.

Cᴏɴғᴇssɪᴏɴ ᴏғ Pᴀɪɴ | 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓙𝓸𝓸𝓷 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now