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"The loves that never leaves is a love that should have been"<Kim Namjoon>

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"The loves that never leaves is a love that should have been"
<Kim Namjoon>


<The unforgotten past>

"Hyung, what are you going to be in the future?"

"A surgeon..."

Jimin eyes widen with adoration and fascination at Namjoon's answer. "Wah hyung! That's great. You're a genius so you will be a great surgeon, hyung..."proclaimed Jimin with enthusiasm.

Namjoon laughed at the compliment, ruffles the soft black hair of Jimin lovingly causing the younger to blush and his chubby cheeks turn to beautiful pinkish. Namjoon cood at the view, seeing how cute Jimin was.

"It's exaggerated Minnie..."he said then.

Jimin shooks his head denying the statement. He knows that Namjoon is capable to achieve his dream to be a heart surgeon. He is genius and the best student in the school. He placed on the 3rd for the special examination of all schools in Korea. Namjoon is a bright student with a bright future. Jimin was looking forward to see how handsome Namjoon will be in his white lab coat.

"And what about you Minnie?"Namjoon asked.

Jomin pouted at the question."I don't know..."

Namjoon furrowed at the answer. "Eh? Why is that?"

Jimin shrugged his shoulder, protruding his lower lips with frustration. "The same cliche excuse hyung. I need to take over family business..."

Namjoon chuckles and nodded in understanding the dilemma. He knows that Jimin's family had their own business in Seoul but he doesn't know how rich he was. Jimin never shared the full story of his family and he too didn't bother to ask. He was comfortable to be friend with Jimin as he is. Nothing can change the friendship, either their status or differences.

"I really like this place, hyung..."

Namjoon smiles at the saying before he averted his eyes towards the blue sea. The hill nearby their school is the best port for him and his other friends to meet and play together. Sometimes it's only him and Jimin will sit together at the bench on the side, enjoying the sunset and have a chit chat about everything.

"Me too. I like this place a lot. It's peaceful to be here...away from school and problem..."Namjoon said, agreed with Jimin.

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