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"We all pretend that we are okay but we all know that it hurts"

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"We all pretend that we are okay but we all know that it hurts"

<Park Jimin>


<The painful past that he wanted to forget>

"Mrs Park...I would like to suggest something..."

Mrs Park eyebrows knitted together at the sudden urge and her heartbeat is pulsating in worry before she asked the doctor. "What is it?"

"Your son's current situation is suicidal. It is much better if you send him for therapy. And it is good for him if you take him away from here, to help him to forget anything that will trigger his anxiety..."

Mrs Park stay in silence for a moment before nodding in agreement with the suggestion. "I will. I will doctor. I know how everything here had caused him to be like this. I am much happy to take him far from here, for him to forget everything and start a new life..."

The doctor nodded, agreed with the mother's plan for his vulnerable son. "I will suggest a good psychiatrist for your son..."

"Thank you doctor. Can I ask for another help then?"

The doctor frowned at the request but still nodded his head agreeing to listen to it first and decides later.

"No one shall know about what had happeend today to my son. If someone ever asked about him, tell them he's dead due to the suicide. I don't want those people to harm my son again. I want him to forget everything here and wipe off his existence in this disgusting place. Can you do it?"

The doctor was shocked at the weird request, looking at the elegant woman in front of him with mouth agaped. "But Mrs Park, you know that it is against the conduct right? A doctor shall not..."

"I'll talk with the hospital's Director afterwards. You just need to confirm my son's death. That's all. I don't want this people in Daegu to hurt my son again. Never..."


Both were nervous waiting for Baekhyun in the meeting room. Namjoon had prayed that the contract can be signed today and will ease off his guilt for the failure to do so last week because of his negligence. He didn't want to face the outrage of Jim Park again today. Not today when he was under stressed for lack of sleep due to the nightmare. Fatigueness had overpowered his body today and Namjoon can feels his energy been sucked out from his body.

Jimin glanced at Namjoon with the corner of his eyes. He is aware how dishelved the elder was. He can see clearly the obvious darken eyebag and his messy hair. He seems off and had been caught in deep tought few times. Or is it more on blankly staring on the wall? Was he still sad for yesterday's incident? Well it's his friend death anniversary though.

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