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"Sometimes it's the best to let it go than to keep on holding it"<Kim Namjoon>

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"Sometimes it's the best to let it go than to keep on holding it"
<Kim Namjoon>

🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶 : Please don't kill me 😆


Mrs. Park read all the details provided by the male per requested. The male had shown his smug face at the rich lady, feeling proud at his ability to execute his work perfectly. Well, people will not call him the best private investigator in South Korea for nothing though. He had proven himself countless time.

Mrs. Park quirked an eyebrow when she read some details. "He used to be my son's schoolmate?" she asked with a surprised tone and a shocking face. She stares at the P.I (because I'm too lazy to spell it again) asking for a further clarification.

The P.I nodded with a smirk. Once again feeling proud for being able to dig out such important information. "Read further Mrs. Park. You will find out another interesting part..." he said snobbishly.

Mrs. Park frowned deeper as she continues to read the information about Kim Namjoon before she gasped out loud at one particular detail. She then looks at the P.I who had wiggled his eyebrows playfully with a smirk - which Mrs. Park found out it's super annoying but says nothing to that.

"He...he was the reason why my son..." Mrs. Park couldn't say it further, placed her hand to her mouth with disbelief. She threw away the paper onto the table with rage. "This...this is unbelievable!"

"Well, to be honest none of your son's schoolmate have knowledge that your son is still alive. Even this Kim Namjoon-ssi. After the so-called 'death' of your son, from the reliable sources, Kim Namjoon had suffered great depression and tried to kill himself too. His parent died in an accident when they are on their way to the hospital and his brother Kim Taehyung became paralyzed afterward..." the P.I explained further when he saw Mrs. Park seems to have no interest to read the full information given by him.

Mrs. Park chidded at that. "None of my business. I just want to know who is this guy only. His pathetic life is not my concern..." rebuke Mrs. Park with hatred.

The male frowned at the reaction, quite displeased with the arrogant attitude. "You seems to hate him so much, Mrs. Park. But don't you think that his pathetic life is because of your wrongdoing too? Because you'd faking your son's death? It's started with that right?" alleged him.

Mrs.Park squinted her eyes towards the younger male... "Mr. Jung Yunho. As much as I am concerned, I paid you to do your job as the PI, not to give your not so important comment about how I handled my son's life!"

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