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If I shouldn’t have thrown myself awayTell me if even this pain isn’t realWhat I was supposed to do back then<Kim Namjoon/Park Jimin>

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If I shouldn’t have thrown myself away
Tell me if even this pain isn’t real
What I was supposed to do back then
<Kim Namjoon/Park Jimin>


🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶 : Lots of flashback and you might not like the end of this chapter😁

🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶 : Lots of flashback and you might not like the end of this chapter😁

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It was loud and a total nuisance. Jimin didn't know that by bringing the two males with him today will be so chaotic. They're acting more childish than the younger one. They were so hype, causing a loud noise until the door been banged by the neighbours twice to lower down their voice. He regretted his decision immediately.

"It's such a nuisance..." he whined for the umpteenth times while watching the two elders playing board game with the birthday boy. They were laughing and screaming for unknown reason.

"It's okay. It's been a long time for this house being so loud like this.. "

Jimin cocked his head, smiling wider at the figure having the birthday cake on his hand. "Sorry babe.. " he said with a guilt.

Namjoon put down the cake in the middle of the table, shook his head slowly. "No, Minnie. Nothing to sorry about. I'm happy they were here. Yoongi-hyung and Jin-hyung lift up the mood..." he said while glancing at the two playing cheerfully with Taehyung. Namjoon was grateful both were here. Taehyung's boxy smile never down when he was with the two.

Jimin smiles and quickly pecked on Namjoon's cheek. "You're an angel..."

Namjoon giggle at the remark. "I love you Minnie..."

Jimin smiles at the sudden confession. "Love you too..."

"Err love you three?" said Namjoon, raising one of his eyebrows playfully.

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