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"Life is a battle, but you are a warrior"<Byun Baekhyun>(yeah i just want to add Baekhyun's monologue 😂)

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"Life is a battle, but you are a warrior"
<Byun Baekhyun>
(yeah i just want to add Baekhyun's monologue 😂)

Jimin's first intention was to leave Namjoon for a while only. It was one of his business acquaintance who attended the same event wanted to say something about their new project together. Jimin's thought it will not take longer than fifteen minutes. He thought. But he was proven wrong. And tonight his life changed - drastically.

"Just stay here, don't go anywhere..."he said in a command tone.

Namjoon look at him with a frowned, clearly didn't like how Jimin's had put his words this time. "Sir, I'm not a child. I can take care of myself. I will not get lost in this hall..."he said with irritation, rolling his eyes.

Jimin chuckles at the response. He do realised that Namjoon's are more brazen these past few days. Maybe the incident at Daegu had done something with this. But Jimin likes it. It's much better than the reserved Namjoon. "You're not likely to get lost in here but I don't like certain people get close to you. Understand?"

Namjoon frowned deeper. "What do you mean?"

"Beware of Byun Baekhyun, Kim Namjoon..."

Namjoon's mouth agaped. Jim Park then left him without he'd got the chance to retaliate back. To ask what did he really meant with such remark. What's wrong with Jim Park? He realised Jim Park's change of attitude after the Daegu's incident. No more insulting comments. No more a tantrum. Sometimes the younger smiles at him and Namjoon quite suspicious because of that. Was Jim Park been cursing him in his head instead?  Namjoon speculated by himself.

However, he likes the changes though. Jim Park's subtle personalities suits him better than the cruel one. At least Namjoon can laid back for a while. No more worries for the COO to get mad at him at everything. But still he need to be more careful. He's feared that the changes was temporary. Jim Park is unpredictable.

Jim Park had his eyes on Namjoon for a while. He didn't paid much attention to the discussion with his acquaintances. Not his actually if he was to judge by their age different. They were bunch of middle aged men. More likely his father's friend. But yes, he need to entertain them. For the company's sake. If not, he will never leave Namjoon alone in this crowd. He wished to huddle with the elder every single second here. Not wanting someone had the eyes over Namjoon. He was super cautious whenever someone became closed with the elder. Growling like a possessive beast towards his mate. 

He did realised when the jerk Maxwell Anderson approaching Namjoon from where he's standing. Basically, everyone knows Maxwell. He was a narcissist with dirty personalities. It's not a new thing for him to ask for a special treatment from any person he wanted to do his business. A special treatment here means sex worker. As a token of appreciation. He said. That's bullshit. A corporate world shouldn't be tainted with some jerk like him. Jimin detests such play in securing contracts or prospects.

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