⁷•일곱• ˢᵗᶦᵍᵐᵃ

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{stigma : a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person}

{stigma : a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person}

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"We collapsed into each other, one big mess of tears"
<Park Jimin>


<The painful past that he wanted to forget>

"Yah Park Jimin!"

Jimin hastily turned his body to the loud voice echoed in the hallway before he grinned enthusiastly at the three figures walking behind him. Jimin halted his footsteps, waiting for his friends. Mark is the one had approached him first, put his long arm on Jimin's shoulder and headlock the smaller guy.

"Morning Jimin!" he said.

Jimin hissed when Mark's arm almost choking him but he still smiles as beautiful as he can. "Mo-morning hyung..." and he answered the morning greeting from Jackson too before his eyes darted towards Namjoon who has his eyes on Jimin with his signature dimple smiles. Jimin blushed at the sight and his face feels hot at the sensation.

"Let him go Mark, you're hurting him,"said Namjoon when he can sense the uncomfortable position between Mark and Jimin. Mark sometimes can be too aggressive while joking.

Mark stuck out his tongue towards Namjoon but at the same time loosen up his grip before he slide his hand into his pocket lazily.

"You always being too soft for Jimin, Namjoon..." Mark complained.

Namjoon rolled his eyes at the words but his lips still twitching with a bright smile. "Jimin is cute. That's why," he said nonchalantly while glancing at Jimin.

Jimin bit his lower lips at the compliment and he knew his face right now had turned to a bright red out of embarassment. Jimin knew he must be ridicule himself by looking like a tomato right now. He'd used to listen that Namjoon always said he is cute which Jimin repeatedly denied the remarks each time of it. He can't be cute when he is chubby with the large glasses and braces. He is the living definition of ugly.

"His chubby and fat face you mean?" asked Jackson teasingly. Mark laughed listen to that which joined by Jackson afterwards. Both look like enjoing themselves teasing Jimin as always.

Jimin pouted and touched his chubby face, pointed the fat on his cheek with a sad face. He knew he is a little bit overweight for his height. He did tried a few diets regime but he always end up become more hungrier than usual. He will sneakily ate in the middle of the night and gaining more weight when he should be losing some. So he stopped. He told himself he needs no diet as long as he is happy and he can eat everything he likes. There are lots of delicious food in this world and it's such a waste for not eating such an irresistable art.

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