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"There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love"<Park Jimin>

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"There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love"
<Park Jimin>


Jimin pushed the door slowly, watching the figure laid down on the bed - sleeping. He carefully closed the door and approaching the bed. He tried his very best not to make any audible sound that can disturb the elder's deep sleep. He then sat on the edge, at the end of the bed. Too afraid to be closer than he is now. He's still swamp with the mixed emotion he had previously. It's contradictory with love and hate. He couldn't reckoned which one had the biggest effect.

Jimin winced when Namjoon's stirred in his sleeps, moving slowly underneath the blanket. He groaned with eyes still closed, hissing in pain when his swollen cheeks had the contact with the pillow. Namjoon flickered shut his eyes, before he widely opened his eyes - feeling confused as to where he is now. It was differed from his bedroom in his cozy apartment. It's only took him less than five second to realise that he's in Jimin's room.

"Hyung, are you awake?"

Namjoon moved his head towards the voice where he saw Jimin's sitting at the end of the bed, looking at him anxiously. Namjoon exhaled a deep breath at the sight before he shot up from the bed and leaned comfortably on the headboard.

"Hmm..." he hummed as an answer. His whole body ached and he still can hear a ring sound in his ear. The after effect of Jimin's mother's hard slap.

"How do you feel?" Jimin asked further, eyes on the pale face. The swollen cheek caught his attention, strickened his heart with agony - detested at his mother's act.

Namjoon didn't answer the question. He just stares at the younger with a stoic expression, making the younger to feel restless. After a while, Namjoon said, "Come closer, Jimin-ah.."

Jimin was taken aback at the sudden instruction but slowly moved his ass closer to Namjoon, seated on the edge of the bed. "Ye-yes, hyung...."

Namjoon flashed a weak smile when Jimin is now become clearer in his vision. Tears welled up in his eyes, threatened to cascade from the damp. "Let me see you face clearly...It's.. It's been a long time, Minnie-ah..."

Jimin almost choked at the soft and tender voice, eyes brimming with tears - soon to across the eyelashes. He muffled his sobs under his palm, couldn't meet the eyes of the elder that had been staring at him right now.

Namjoon caressed the cheek with his hand, trailing over the eyebrow, the nose and the lips. He put his thumb on the pink lips, brushing it tenderly. The droplet of tears were like a monsoon rain, saline soaked his puffy cheeks.

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