⁵•다섯• ᴮˡᵒᵒᵈ, ˢʷᵉᵃᵗ & ᵀᵉᵃʳˢ

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"...sometimes we are the answers that we are too weak to hear..."
<Park Jimin>


<The past that he want to forget>

"What the hell is wrong with my son???"

Mrs Park shouting in horror when the heart monitor started to resonated a creepy sound, flashing the weird straight line, making the doctor and nurses shuffling to his bed trying to help the unconscious body of his only son Park Jimin. Eyes were pricked with tears like a rain that rundown after the long summer, non-stop. Her breathing is heaving in harrowing at the current situation, in fear that she might lost his only son that she adore for her whole life. Because of a few stupid pills.

"Is he dead? Oh God, is he dead?????"

It tooks almost ten minutes for the doctor to resurrect back the soul into Jimin lifeless body. All the sweats and tears are now seems worthy and the blood that rushed through the veins had helps to pump out the heart making it beating again.

Five minutes between heaven and earth, Mrs Park almost got a heart attack watching how the medical experts trying to help his son. The horrendous experience she wanted to forget, pray to dear Lord may this day will never come again until or unless she is the one that died first. The sorrow of losing your own child is not something every parent want to taste before their own death.

"How is he?" asked Mrs Park anxiously. Eyes glancing on Jimin lying on the hospital bed unconcious, strapped into various wires unknown to Mrs Park what is the function but she has no time to ask about that.

Dr Lee wiped the sweat that soaking his forehead with his handkerchief. "He is fine now. There's nothing serious. He just in state or trauma and the sedative started to worn out, that's why his body is panicking when he can feel the pain in his stomach...It is a common symptoms after we pumped out those pills during the emergency treatment."

Mrs Park nodded, understand the explaination eventhough there are some information sounded vague in her mind. But the words 'fine' and nothing 'serious' is far more than enough for her to register the whole thing. As long as Jimin is okay and perfectly fine and alive.

"Mrs Park...I would like to suggest something..."

Mrs Park eyebrows knitted together at the sudden urge and her heartbeat is pulsating in worry before she asked the doctor. "What is it?"

"Your son's current situation is suicidal. It is much better if you send him for therapy. And it is good for him if you take him away from here, to help him to forget anything that will trigger his anxiety..."

Mrs Park stay in silence for a moment before nodding in agreement with the suggestion. "I will. I will doctor. I know how everything here had caused him to be like this. I am much happy to take him far from here, for him to forget everything and start a new life..."

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