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"When trust is broken, sorry means nothing"<Kim Namjoon>

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"When trust is broken, sorry means nothing"
<Kim Namjoon>


Jimin scrunched his nose at the nice smell caught up on his nostril. Someone is cooking? But he had clearly instructed the maid not to come this weekend. Jimin frowned while he still closed his eyes. However his confusion didn't took him too long when he realised something important. Namjoon!

His hand hovered on the bed, trying to find the lanky body but it was emptied. Jimin slowly opened his eyes, been stinging by the bright light from the large windows. However, he smiled at the view and it became wider when he remembered what had happened last night. He wriggled on the bed lazily before headed towards the bathroom to take a shower.

Jimin strokes his dampant hair with the towel, walking to the kitchen when he heard someone humming a song cheerfully. Jimin smile at the view, where Namjoon is busy frying something in the pan - wearing Jimin's oversized white t-shirt and his black short pant, hugging tightly on his lowered part.

The backview of Namjoon is beautiful and a sip of happiness flown in his heart. Jimin had never imagined that this day will come - where Namjoon is here with him. He thrown away his wet towel in the basket, didn't care how the towel barely got into it.

"Morning, sweetheart," said Jimin, startling the elder.

Namjoon then replied with a good morning too and giggled when Jim Park pecked on his plump lips. He got ticklished when the younger continues to pester him, smooching him on the neck, playfully hovering his slenders finger on his forearm - peeking from behind of Namjoon's shoulder what is on the stove.

"Jim...Jimmy...I'm cooking..."

"Okay...carry on...and I will keep on loving you," replied Jimin while chuckling in amusement. He really enjoying himself teasing the elder.

Namjoon huffed in annoyance but it doesn't mean that he hates it when the younger openly showed his affection like that - not after their steamy night last night. His cheek flushed with pink hue when he reminisces the event.

Namjoon got a goosebump when Jimin deliberately licking his neck, caressing with the teeth on his nape. He flinched a little bit when he can feels the teeth of the younger, biting his neck tenderly. "No Jimmy. Everyone will see it..." he nudged the younger with his elbow, softly, forbidding the younger to left his mark. 

Jimin groaned. "Tsk...I just want to mark you so that the other people will know you're belong to someone, at least..." He hates the fact that they need to make it secretly and he can't admit his love towards Namjoon to everyone.

Namjoon giggles at his childish antic. He tilted his head to see the younger's expression and cooed in his head when he saw his portruding lips - obviously sulking. Namjoon quickly pecked the pink lips making Jim Park to laugh heartily. He then hugged Namjoon tightly, nuzzled his face on the neck of the male, sniffing on it.

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