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Seeking Arrangements

Onika: what the fuck?!

She said as she looked at the tuition bill. She looked at the due date and saw that it was due at the end of term which was three weeks away.

N: how am I supposed to pay thousands of dollars back when I don't even have $10 in my bank account?!

She said to herself. She regretted going to college but reminded herself why she was here in the first place. She was the only person in her family to ever go to college so she wanted to make everybody proud.

N: what am I gonna do?!

She asked herself as she fell back on her bed. No one warned her and she felt like she was in a deep hole that she couldn't get out of.

She decided to calm down and just take a walk around campus. She got her phone and plugged her earphones in and went for a walk.

While in the central place of campus she saw people smiling and laughing. She didn't understand why they had so much happiness. Did they not get the letter yet? Or maybe everyone else can afford it.

While walking she saw a group of girls throwing money in the air. She frowned. She had never seen a person be that confident with money that they throw it around at the risk of it being stolen. She unplugged on ear to hear what they were saying as they slowly walked by.

?: bitch you know I got dat shmoney!!!! Sugar daddies are the best. Now I can pay for tuition and get a new Chanel purse.

That hit Nicki right in the heart. She loved Chanel even though she had never owned any of it before. Then a work kept ringing in her head.

"Sugar daddy"

She wondered what they were but knew they obviously had something to do with giving money. She wondered what she did for it.

She went back to her dorm room and googled sugar daddy.

"Sugar daddy
A rich older man who lavishes gifts on a young woman in return for her company or sexual favours"

Nicki's everyone's rose up surprised that they had to just spend time with them at the minimum just to get some cash. Then a light bulb went off in her head.

She then googled sugar daddy websites and there was a featured website called "seeking arrangements" she went on and read through all the information and saw what other people had to say about it.

She decided to give it a try, she couldn't lose any more money when she didn't have any to start with. She had nothing to lose.

She figured to have a sexy picture as a profile so she got her iPhone and took her top off so she was left in her bra and showed some cleavage and posed. While posing she heard the door open and close which made her gasp.

Rihanna: what da fuck is going on in here?! Who you sending nudes to!

Her friend Rihanna said in her strong Barbados accent. Nicki rolled her eyes.

N: nothing I just-

She got cut off by Rihanna coming over and lifting her breasts up and pushing them together to make it seem like she had bigger breasts. Nicki took a picture and it turned out better than the last

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